Agenda item


            The Director of Parks and Leisure submitted, for the Committee’s consideration, the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


            The department has received several requests from key stakeholders in both Orangefield Park and Victoria Park for free use of the sports pavilions and ancillary facilities.  The following are the list of groups who are interested;-


·   OrangeGrove Athletics Club, Victoria Park

·   Bloomfield Football Club, Orangefield Park

·   Bloomfield Wildlife Watch Group, Orangefield Park

·   Orangefield Friends of Group, Orangefield Park

·   Orangefield Community Association, Orangefield Park

·   Orangefield Bowling Club Activities

     (Orangefield Veteran United)

2          Key Issues


            Council officers have been working with these groups for a while now and there is increasing demand for use of the pavilions outside of the times when normal staffing cover is provided.


            The department would like to pilot new arrangements with some of our dedicated partners in order to develop the use of the pavilions and to provide a better and more convenient customer arrangement to the users involved.


            When the pavilions are not normally staffed it is hoped that key handling arrangements could be put in place – i.e. that these partners will open and close the facilities in line with the club / user requirements, under a legal agreement with the Council, similar to that in place for the out of hours use of our leisure centres.


            Training will be required in relation to all health and safety issues related to the management of the pavilion as well as for safeguarding children and young people also vulnerable adults.


            To ensure there are no double bookings the departments Outdoor Leisure Unit will handle all bookings.


            These pilot partnerships will promote shared space, collaborative working and will improve the use of the facilities which have become under-used over the last 10 years.  As these pilots are in place, the department is also undertaking a complete review of the use of its pavilions in line with our ambitions around increasing participation and improving the customer experience in parks and leisure.


            Members should note that the department will liaise with the Northern Ireland Environment Agency to ensure there is no impact on the area of special scientific interest in relation to training at night in Victoria Park.


3          Resource Implications




            There may be cost to the Council for additional electric and water which we should be able to absorb within the parks operational budget for the parks.


            Human Resources


            There are likely to be some additional staff monitoring and planning implications which should be able to be accommodated through our normal management process.


            Asset and Other Implications


            The department is investigating additional support for Friends of Groups on such issues as collective insurance cover, event management and providing training where possible. 


4          Equality and Good Relations Considerations


            All of the proposals currently under consideration within these partnership projects would have positive implications in terms of the promotion of equality and good relations, if undertaken in an inclusive manner.


5          Recommendations


            It is recommended that the Committee grant authority for free shared out of hours use of the sports pavilion subject to satisfactory terms being agreed by the director of Parks and Leisure and on the condition that:


·     The groups resolve all operational and health and safety issues to the Council’s satisfaction;

·     an appropriate legal agreement, to be prepared by the Director of Legal Services, is completed;”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: