Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


            The purpose of this report is to seek Committee approval to set up and financially support the development of Bike Clubs within Ormeau Park, Orangefield Park and Waterworks Park.  Committee approval and support will enable officers to purchase bicycles, train staff and store the resources securely.   Ormeau Park, Bike Club will specifically cater for the needs of users with a disability or limited mobility and will require the purchase of a variety of adapted bicycles.


            The Bike Club model was piloted within Falls Park in partnership with Suicide Awareness and the Bike Club Development Officer.  This included the successful training of Park Rangers as Mountain Bike Leaders in line with National Standards for Road Cycling Instructors in addition to them gaining bike maintenance qualifications.  This has enabled Falls Park to engage local young people in cycling activities.   Some of the local groups accessing the Falls Park Bike Club include: 


·         Suicide Awareness

·         Healthy Schools Programme (A variety of local primary schools)

·         Falls Women's centre

·         Corpus Christi College


2          Key Issues


            The success of the Falls Park Bike Club has created interest with the department’s Community Park Managers and Community Parks Outreach Managers who now wish to replicate the Bike Club model within other community parks across the city.  Initial planning has identified Ormeau, Orangefield and Waterworks Parks as suitable locations.


·         Ormeau Park neighbours the National Cycle Network route which runs along the Lagan Tow-path. 

·         Orangefield Park is integrated with the Connswater Community Greenway and home to the only cycle track within N.Ireland (currently used by Cycling Ulster). 

·         Waterworks Park is a proposed greenway route to aid active travel modes e.g. Walking and cycling. (Active Travel Strategy N.I bid to Department of Regional Development)


            The development of Bike Clubs within each park will promote physical activity with local residents and schools to encourage active and sustainable travel.  This all fits with the developing Active Belfast approach.


            The Ormeau Park Bike Club has already been established and includes four special needs schools namely: Glenveagh, Fleming Fulton, Park School and Torr Bank.  A steering group was formed comprised of representatives from each school and the Bike Club Development Officer.  The steering group applied for grant funding and was successful, acquiring £8000 from the Bike Club scheme.


            Some of this funding was used to train up staff and parents to deliver disability cycling sessions and workshops within Ormeau Park.  An outline of what Bike Club is and its purpose is set out below;-


            Bike Club description:


·        A pool of trained cycle and maintenance leaders to plan and deliver progressive cycling sessions and promote wider learning outcomes for users

·        Engagement with statutory and voluntary agencies, communities organisations, local residents and schools to access the unique resource

·        A physical resource of bicycles, adapted cycles, maintenance tools, safety equipment and where needed secure storage.


            Aims and Objectives:


·         To support Active Travel for Belfast residents through cycle training and club based activities.

·         To provide opportunities for all ages and abilities within the Belfast area to engage in health promoting cycling activities and benefit from new social opportunities with their families, peers and teachers/carers.

·         To enable new or returning cyclists to develop their cycling skills and confidence to cycle independently.

·         Provide learning opportunities through direct experience of cycling and its related activity.

·         To provide volunteering opportunities for students, teachers, carers and families to maintain and support use of the bikes as an important resource.

·         To recruit other organisations that support disabled users and their families to ensure the unique resource at Ormeau Park is widely accessed and used regularly. e.g. Shopmobility Belfast, RNIB and other Special Schools.


            As indicated above, the Ormeau Park club has match cash funding from the Bike Club grants scheme.  The remainder of this is to assist with the purchase of bicycles adapted to meet the needs of users with a disability or limited mobility. However because of the specialist nature of the club and the equipment required there is a need for extra financial support for its set up.


            The other two clubs will require less financial support however will need support in training, provision of bicycles and the provision of safety and maintenance equipment.


            This project marks a notable expansion of the department’s service provision and a unique specialist resource for Belfast.


3          Resource Implications




·         £12000 to purchase a variety of bicycles to meet the needs of disabled and limited mobility users at Ormeau Park.

·         £6000 to purchase bikes, train leaders and provide safety equipment at Orangefield and Waterworks Park

·         £3000 to purchase and install secure storage containers and alarm systems.

·         £2000 of maintenance tools to enable adjustment and correct fitment of the cycles to individual users and to enable on-site maintenance and repairs.


            This total of £23,000 will be drawn from across Parks area and outreach budgets for North and East, with a portion to come from the department’s ASB budget.


            Human Resources


            Some additional human resources will be required to facilitate these requests – all managed within the current workload.


            Asset and Other Implications


            The bikes and associated equipment will be a departmental resource which will need to be managed, maintained and renewed as time progresses.


4          Equality and Good Relations Implications


            There are no implications at this stage.  However, Equality and Good Relations factors will be taken into account in the programming of activities to be delivered at these sites.


5          Recommendations


            Committee is asked to note the proposals for bike club development as outlined and approve the establishment of Bike Clubs within Ormeau Park, Orangefield Park and Waterworks Park.”


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendations.



Supporting documents: