Agenda item



            The Director of Parks and Leisure submitted, for the Committee’s consideration, the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


            At its meeting in February 2011 Committee were made aware that the National Playing Fields Association (Fields in Trust) had launched the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge. The challenge is an officially endorsed legacy initiative to mark the two landmark events scheduled to take place in the UK in 2012; HM The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the London 2012 Olympics. The programme aims to permanently protect 2012 playing fields in communities all across the country ensuring access to outdoor sport, play and recreation both now and for future generations.


            At the June 2011 Committee a number of sites were considered and based on Legal Services consideration only two sites were considered eligible to participate in the initiative and were subsequently nominated. The sites were Orangefield Park and Lagan Meadows.  A Save a Space for Me online campaign was launched in October 2011 encouraging people to support their outdoor spaces to be protected as part of the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge.


            Over 20,000 people from councillors, members of the public and sports leaders showed their support for our parks with over 10,000 web visits recorded on the day of the launch alone. It was a close contest but in the end Orangefield Park won over Lagan Meadows by 3 votes.


            Committee were advised that there are estates and legal issues which have to be considered by Fields in Trust and the council as a result of Orangefield being part of the Connswater Community Greenway project and flood alleviation scheme which will result in significant work to the park with funding from Big Lottery. The council will ensure that entering into a deed of dedication will not compromise its ability to deliver the necessary development work in the park required by the Connswater Community Greenway project and flood alleviation scheme. This work will be done in consultation with East Belfast Partnership Board as part of the Connswater Community Greenway programme.


            At the February 2012 meeting of the Parks and Leisure Committee were advised that the minutes of the previous months’ meetings had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st February and furthermore, under the heading ‘Fields in Trust Challenge’, at the request of Councillor Robinson, the Council agreed that the Friends of Orangefield Park be included in future discussions around the nature of events to celebrate the Park’s dedication.


2          Key Issues


            Officers from Belfast City Council’s Legal Services and Estates have been working with Fields in Trust to draft the Deed of Dedication. This work is progressing and has included the provision of maps showing boundaries and the exchange of draft documents with Fields in Trust.


            In consultation with Fields in Trust, officers have sought clarification on what is expected regarding the naming of the site. Fields in Trust have responded by stating that they are not expecting Council to change the name but it will carry the additional title and status of being a Queen Elizabeth II Field.  The plaque and signage that they provide will reflect the Queen Elizabeth Field status.  The Deed will refer to the site as the Queen Elizabeth II Field, Orangefield Park.


            Fields in Trust have provided ‘Have a Field Day’ kits which have been received and used by the Community Parks Outreach Manager in liaison with Fields in Trust to develop celebratory events to mark the dedication of Orangefield Park as a Queen Elizabeth II field. Proposals on the celebrations have been discussed with and supported by the Friends of Orangefield Park and other key stakeholders. The proposed dates for events are:



·     Monday 04 June 2012  – Family Fun Day

·     Saturday 21 July 2012 – Environmental activities / improvements

·     Saturday 25 August 2012 – Sports tryout events (Asda and the FIA)

·     Week beginning 24 September - Mixture of above schools event.


3          Resource Implications




            Asda is a primary sponsor of the Fields in Trust Queen Elizabeth II Challenge.  The Fitness Industry Association are working with Asda and Fields in Trust on a campaign to get people involved in healthy activity. Asda has allocated £2,000 to support the event scheduled for 25 August 2012.


            The Parks Community Outreach budget has allocated £7,500 to support the programme of events and the Friends of Orangefield Park will also apply for the departments Parks small grants fund. If successful this could secure up to a further £2,250 to support the programme of activities.


            Human Resources


            There are likely to be some additional staffing costs to cover the weekend events however it is recognised that the staff in Orangefield Park will play an important role in ensuring the smooth and successful running of these events. Parks and Leisure staff will assist with adequate stewarding and will also play an active role in facilitating park activities such as planting demonstrations and environmental talks.


            Asset and Other Implications


            None at this time


4          Equality and Good Relations Considerations


            All of the events will have positive implications in terms of the promotion of equality and good relations.


5          Recommendations


            Committee are asked to note the proposed dates for celebratory events and grant approval for the events to take place.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.

Supporting documents: