Agenda item


            The Director of Parks and Leisure submitted, for the Committee’s consideration, the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


            The Committee is asked to note that the contract is about to be issued in respect of Woodvale Park, the Grant Letter of Offer from DSD is due and once received the contract documentation can be issued. 


            The tenders in respect of Dunville Park have been received and will be evaluated with a contract scheduled to be let mid May. 


            Whilst there has been some delay at the tender stage work is still scheduled to be completed at both locations in March 2013. 


            As members will be aware these works are the first major refurbishment schemes in our Parks estate for many years.  The projects have been progressed as regeneration schemes with the aim of improving the quality of life of those who live within the surrounding neighbourhood.  Once the physical works are complete it is important the progress is sustained.  Central to the delivery of the outcomes and benefits associated with the refurbishment of the parks is how we manage them in the future.


            Officers have been working with community representatives at both parks during the development of the schemes.  The engagement has worked well and good working relationships have been established.  To build on this, it is proposed that we consider post refurbishment management options.  This report sets out an outline of how we might move this forward..


2          Key Issues


            Management Options


            In undertaking the refurbishment of Dunville and Woodvale Parks the Council in partnership with Belfast Regeneration Office and the local community wish to make a positive impact on the quality of life of the surrounding neighbourhood.  The objectives of the refurbishment schemes include:


·         Making the park a safer place and using the asset to contribute to a safer environment;

·         Encouraging greater use of the park and contributing to improving health and well being in the neighbourhood;

·         Using the asset as appropriate to help support the local economy.

·         Underpinning these is the strong desire to involve the community more positively in the management of the park and the delivery of its outcomes. 


            Management Options


            There are a number of options which may be considered, the following list is not prohibitive or exhaustive and is intended as indicative and to invoke further thought.  The main options might be:


·         Option 1       BCC undertake the management of Park

                       without Community  involvement


·         Option 2A    Community based organisation undertakes the

                       Management of the park – this may take the form

     of a social enterprise company


·         Option 3       Management is outsourced to an external

                       organization other than the council such as a

Joint Venture Partnership or Private Sector



·         Option 4       BCC Management with a Reconstituted Friends



·         Option 5       A Neighbourhood Management Committee with

                       clearly defined roles and responsibilities.


            Proposed Approach


            It is proposed the options be presented to a wider stakeholder group in the form of a consultation process with the local community and that this process be undertaken in two phases. 


            Through facilitated workshops it is proposed that workshop 1 consider the relative strength and weaknesses of each of the options, and others, if appropriate, and that the workshop would conclude with a preferred approach. 


            Thereafter, it is proposed to hold workshop 2 which would work up the detail of the preferred option in terms of the necessary governance to deliver.  The areas to be covered would include:


·         Terms of reference / specification

·         Clarification of roles and responsibilities of the respective stakeholders;

·         Governance arrangements;

·         Resource implications;

·         Capacity building;

·         Measures of success;

·         Review process


            In undertaking this process there are a number of principles that we would suggest guide it, these principles have been established within the development of models of community planning in Scotland and are merely set out as a guide for good practice:


·         There should be meaningful engagement within the planning process;

·         There should be a clear focus on the outcomes / the benefits of the process;

·         There is a clear governance structure around the delivery mechanism with clear roles and responsibility articulated;

·         Gaps around capacity are identified and appropriate measures put in place to enhance that capacity over time; and

·         Adequate resources are made available to deliver the outcomes.




            The main stages in the process are:


            Stage 1     Agreement of Steering Groups;                 May 2012

            Stage 2     Appointment of facilitator;                          May 2012

            Stage 3     Workshop 1                                                   May 2012

            Stage 4     Presentation to Steering Group                June 2012

            Stage 5     Workshop 2                                                  June 2012

            Stage 6     Presentation to Steering Group                June 2012

            Stage 7     Presentation to P&L Committee            August 2012

            Stage 8     Implementation and delivery           September 2012


This programme is indicative and is dependent on procurement and reaching agreement within the process.


3          Resource Implications




            There are no additional financial implications at this time.


            Human Resources


            There are no additional human resource implications at this time.


            Asset and Other Implications


            This piece of work is important part of exploring how we can manage our assets in a more efficient and effective manner and in a way that brings community involvement to the fore. 


4          Equality and Good Relations Considerations


            There are no equality implications.

5          Recommendations


            It is recommended that the Committee:


·         Note the report;

·         Consider the options;

·         Provide Officers with initial views on the approach;

·         Agree to receive a further report in August 2012”


            After discussion, during which the Members indicated that further consideration should be given to managing clearly the expectations of the local communities and community engagement; the need for a clear budget allocation; and the necessity to work closely with the “Friends of” Groups and Neighbourhood Partnerships, the Committee adopted the recommendations within the report. 


Supporting documents: