Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1    Relevant Background Information


      The Committee is reminded that at its meeting in September 2011 it asked that a monthly progress report be submitted to Committee on the refurbishment of the Mary Peters Track. Members are reminded that the scope of construction works includes:


·        The replacement of the existing six lane track with an eight lane track and field events area, to IAAF standard; the track will be surfaced with a Mondo SX prefabricated track as used in the London 2012 Olympic venues;

·        The provision of a 400 seater stand incorporating storage and changing facilities; and

·        An upgrade of existing floodlighting, site access and car park lighting


2    Key Issues


      Physical Works


      The Committee is asked to note that the contractor is continuing with the ground works.  The contractor is in the process of removing the Japanese Knotweed from the area identified for the location of the grandstand.  The intention is to bury and treat this on site in order to reduce the cost of removal.  An invasive species management plan has been prepared and is currently with the NI Environment Agency. 


      The construction work is making good progress in terms of the earth work preparation for the laying of the new track, which is scheduled to commence later in the summer, and the new field area.  Work remains on schedule to be completed November 2012 with the Stand being completed January 2013.  The facility remains scheduled to be operational by March 2013.  


      Reopening of the Track Post Completion


      The refurbishment is included within the Council’s Investment Programme and represents a significant financial investment.  It is likely that the event for the reopening of the track will form part of a wider corporate approach to similar investments emerging from the Investment Programme. 


      The reopening of the track will be scheduled for April/May 2013 and a number of options have been given initial consideration. 


      These include linking the launch with a scheduled event, this could be a local schools competition or some other pre-scheduled athletics meeting such as an inter–varsity competition or other athletics events scheduled for April / May 2013.   At a more local level, the Council organisations a series of schools athletics days and this might provide a forum.  Preliminary discussions have been held with Northern Ireland Athletics who will further explore the options.


      It is proposed that further discussions be held with the relevant governing bodies and that further consideration be given to the matter. 


      Regardless of the option decided on, such a launch will require a budget, whilst it may be possible to attract external funding it is necessary to have a degree of certainty around resources in order to incur expenditure to safeguard the event.  It is therefore proposed a provisional estimate of £10,000 be allocated in the financial year 2013/14 to support the event.  A detailed programme plus costs will be developed in advance of the estimate process.


      Frequency of reports


      The Committee at its meeting in September 2011 asked that monthly progress reports be submitted.  As the work is now underway, Members are asked to consider whether it still wishes to receive monthly updates or whether it would be satisfied with a report every two months.


3    Resource Implications




      It is proposed that a provisional figure of £10,000 be included in the 2012/13 financial estimates to support the launch.


      Human Resources


      There are no additional human resource implications; work can be progressed within existing resources.


      Asset and Other Implications


      The refurbishment of the track will safeguard the future of facility and provide improved facilities for users of the track and spectators. 


4    Equality and Good Relations Considerations


      Equality considerations will be taken account of in the design of the facility which will be DDA compliant.


      When completed it is proposed to have a delivery plan in place which will seek to ensure wide access to the facility. 


5    Recommendations


      The Committee is asked to:


1.   Note the report;

2.     Offer comments on the issue of the launch of the refurbished facility post completion;

3.   Agree to set aside £10,000 to support the launch within the revenue estimates for 2013/14

4.   Consider the frequency of the progress reports.”


            The Committee agreed that £10,000 be set aside from the 2013/2014 revenue estimates to support the launch and noted the contents of the report.


Supporting documents: