The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“1 Relevant Background Information
In March 2010 the Parks and Leisure committee approved the recommendations of the review of Bereavement Services administration which examined the working patterns of the cemetery clerks and other Bereavement administration staff with regard to stabilising the unit, making it more fit for purpose, clarifying the roles of the cemetery clerks and delivering a more customer focused service in relation to cover at lunchtimes and on Saturdays.
2 Key Issues
The recommendations of the review have now been implemented for over two years and overall have been successful in providing a high level of service to the bereaved and provided adequate cover for the service over the four sites.
Currently three of the part time posts are vacant (one in Dundonald and two at the City Cemetery) and management have taken the opportunity to review the current gaps in cover within the service especially within City Hall, City Cemetery and Roselawn.
The requirements of each site have been assessed and currently administrative cover is provided at Dundonald Cemetery Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm and Saturday 8.30am-12.30pm i.e. 37 hours per week. There were 148 burials at Dundonald Cemetery for 2011 and 80% of these took place between 10am and 2pm.
It is therefore proposed that administrative cover for Dundonald is provided Monday to Friday from 10am – 2pm and from Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm. This will free up 18 hours per week to be reallocated to provide support at the busier sites i.e. City and Roselawn. It is also proposed that burials will be facilitated at Dundonald during these hours and administrative support will be on site for funerals.
The Cemeteries and Crematorium Manager and the Manager of Bereavement Administration have been consulted in relation to this proposal to ensure the needs of the bereaved have been fully provided. In relation to Customer queries at the site it will still be facilitated via staff at City Hall when there is no administrative cover at the site
Management are looking at arrangements on the site for dealing with Customers queries that cannot be resolved by the operational staff at the site. For example a direct-line available for customer use as well as notices stating the central administration phone line for the City Hall or the mobile number of the Community Park Supervisor for the site or the Cemeteries/Crematorium Manager.
3 Resource Implications
There are no financial implication of this report however this proposal will free up 18 hours which can be used alongside the vacant posts to reschedule the working patterns to provide the cover required at all 4 sites.
Human Resources
The Business Manager will continue to consult with those staff affected by this proposed change in working patterns. The proposal will be implemented in accordance with all HR policies and procedures and the operation of the new arrangement reviewed within the year.
4 Recommendations
The Committee is asked to agree to the proposal that:
· Administrative cover at Dundonald Cemetery is provided Monday to Friday 10-2pm and Saturday 9.30-12.30pm and that burials can only take place during these time slots.
· That one part time vacant post can be filled at Dundonald Cemetery as per the proposed rota and a second part time post is recruited as a ‘floater’ to provide cover for the current gaps identified at the busier sites of Roselawn and the City Cemetery. This arrangement will be reviewed within the year and any issues reported back to committee.”
After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendations and agreed that a report be submitted after a period of six months on the operation of the arrangements. In addition, the Director undertook to submit a report to a future meeting in relation to staff cover at the City Cemetery.
Supporting documents: