Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


      A report was presented to Committee in April 2012 outlining the development of a Master Plan for Falls Park and City Cemetery.


      The plan has been developed through a number of workshops and meetings involving Friends of Falls Park and with key stakeholders to identify priorities for the site.

      The Friends of Falls Park is a group of people dedicated to continuously improving Falls Park and the surrounding area for the benefit of the local community.


      The proposals identified have been classified as short term, medium term and long term projects.  Short term refers to 1-2 years, medium term is 3-5 years and long term is 5 years+.


2    Key Issues


      Clearly the Master Plan has to be seen in the context of the capacity required to deliver the Investment Programme and the projects that are emerging as part of that from the Area Working Groups.


      Contained within the Master Plan are a number of proposals including the following:


      Short Term


·        Development of a Community Garden. This is proceeding with a number of design options identified. Landscape designs are being prepared in consultation with local community representatives. The completion date of the community garden will be March 2013. £35,000 has been approved by Parks and Leisure committee for this scheme.


·        Development of Allotments in Falls Park adjacent to Whiterock Leisure Centre. An environmental survey for the allotments has been commissioned and Officers have received a report indicating that remedial works will be required to ensure the area is safe to grow fruit and vegetables. This will involve a process to ‘cap’ the proposed area by creating a barrier of crushed stone or a geo-textile and then infilling with approved topsoil. This will cost in the region of £200,000 including ancillary works, pathways, water connections etc.


·        Installation of new 3G pitch and changing rooms. This is proceeding as part of the Pitches Strategy with planning application due to be submitted in February 2013.


·        Installation of Outdoor Gym in Falls Park. Funding for this was agreed at November 2011 Parks & Leisure Committee in partnership with PHA. This is proceeding with consultations completed, designs completed and work due to start on 1st October 2012.

·        Development of a Partnership between Belfast City Council and the Commonwealth War Graves commission to develop tourism and cultural history of the cemetery. Contact is continuing on a regular basis with key stakeholders involved in the process and a separate report will be brought to the Committee on this issue in due course.


      Medium Term


·       Relocation of Falls Park and the City Cemetery Service Yards.


      The City Cemetery depot is not fit for purpose and it is proposed to combine City Cemetery and Falls Parks depots into one agreed location to enable efficient management of both sites. The indicative cost would be in the region of £750,000.  This is a capital project and needs to be considered not only in the context of the Master Plan but also in the context of the overall staff accommodation needs within the Council.  It is further proposed that interim arrangements for staff accommodation are investigated to address the immediate need.


      Long Term


·        Development of Foxes Lodge. Approval was sought and given by Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in August 2012 for a development brief for Foxes Lodge in City Cemetery. Officers will be in receipt of business proposals in due course and a further updated report will be brought to committee in early 2013.


·        Upgrade of Gate Lodge at entrance to Falls Park. Contained within the Master plan is a plan to renovate the Gate lodge and develop it into a café and or visitors centre. Renovation of the building which has been extensively damaged is estimated to cost in the region of £650,000.


      The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 22nd June, 2012 agreed that the Falls Master Plan was one of a number of schemes that should be progressed to Strategic Outline Case stage.  This would allow for it and the schemes contained within to be considered by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for inclusion in the uncommitted section of the Capital Programme. Officers will now progress the development of the Strategic Outline Case.


3    Resource Implications


      Finance for installation of the community garden, installation of the 3G pitch and installation of the outdoor gym has been approved by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.


      On completion of the Strategic Outline Case for the works associated with the delivery of the Master Plan it will be referred to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for consideration and inclusion of schemes in the uncommitted section of the capital project. These would be delivered once prioritised for funding in the normal way.


4    Equality and Good Relations Considerations


      There are no equality or good relations considerations.


5    Recommendations


      Members are asked to note the contents of the Master Plan and the progress made to date with the Outdoor Gym, pitch and changing accommodation.


      Members are also asked to note that the Strategic Outline Case for the Falls Master Plan will be developed for consideration by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for inclusion of schemes within the Capital Programme.”


            The Committee noted the contents of the report.


Supporting documents: