Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.Relevant Background Information


      The North Belfast Partnership has secured 3 years Big Lottery funding to address isolation amongst older men. The programme is fully funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Reaching Out: Connecting Older People.


      A Rejuvenate Development Partnership (RDP) has been established to inform and oversee the development of the programme. This is led by the North Belfast Partnership and includes representatives from the 5 North Belfast Renewal Partnerships.


      Two full time members of staff have been appointed, by North Belfast Partnership to work on the programme. (1 programme co-ordinator and 1 development officer).


      The rejuvenate programme will give older men the opportunity to get involved in practical, hands on activities as well as promote social inclusion, consider their own health and wellbeing and make positive contributions to their community. The Project will establish a sustainable network of SHEDS where older men will be involved in community and environmental projects that promote their collaborative learning, knowledge transfer and social interaction.


      The practical activities will be linked to the establishment of 3 ‘Men in Sheds’ in different parts of North Belfast. It is anticipated that the 3 SHEDS will be linked to the neighbourhood renewal areas and that 160 older men will be engaged as part of the programme.   


      Organisations already signed up to support the project include;


·     North Belfast Partnership (Lead Partner)

·     Northern Ireland Housing Executive

·     Department of Social Development (Belfast Regeneration Office)

·     Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

·     Belfast Healthy Ageing Strategic Partnership

·     Volunteer Now

·     North Belfast Senior Citizens forum

·     Ballysillan / Upper Ardoyne Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership

·     Crumlin / Ardoyne Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership

·     Ligoniel Village Neighbourhood Partnership

·     Rathcoole Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership

·     Inner North Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership


      Plans for the project were outlined to the Parks and Leisure department earlier in the year and at that time a general expression of support was given.


      Now that funding is in place the North Belfast Partnership would like to confirm that the Council will support the project and will become one of the named partners in the programme.


2.  Key Issues


     Commitment from the Council will require nomination of an officer to attend quarterly meetings of the RDP. It is anticipated that this would be the City Park Manager for Area North.


     The department’s role on the RDP would be an advisory one regarding community involvement in practical activities and outdoor spaces. Through community resources, programmes and networks Belfast City Council could add value to the development partnership and the operational engagement with project participants.


     The partnership board has also requested approval for the use of parks and open spaces owned and managed by the Council should the rejuvenate programme identify practical activities or programmes of work within the Belfast City Council (Parks and Leisure) estate.


     The department will identify, in writing, its terms of support and commitment to the RDP.


3.   Resource Implications




      The estimated value of officer time to attend the quarterly meetings of the RDP is 4 hours per quarter.




      There are no financial implications anticipated.




      Parks and Open Spaces in North Belfast may be identified by the participants as potential areas for a programme of work. Occasionally this may require consultation with other park users, stakeholders or friends groups to share information regarding proposed further use and ensure that existing relationships are maintained.

4.   Equality and good relations implications


      There are no known associated equality considerations associated with this request.


5.   Recommendations


      It is recommended that the Committee support the Rejuvenate Programme by approving:


1.     That a Parks and Leisure officer actively participates in the RDP by sitting on the partnership steering group and attending quarterly RDP meetings in an advisory capacity.


2.     Granting delegated authority to the Director of Parks and Leisure to approve activities and programmes of work identified within the Parks and Leisure Estate subject to appropriate planning and consultation.


3.     The Council’s support towards the Rejuvenate programme is put in writing to the North Belfast Partnership identifying clear roles and responsibilities for the Council, the North Belfast Partnership and the other key stakeholders on the RDP.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: