Agenda item


            The Committee was advised that a request had been received from Adrenaline State, Marketing and Events Company, in relation to the holding of a mountain biking event on the Cave Hill.  The Assistant Director reported that the proposed event would involve 100 bikers starting at the summit of the Cave Hill and racing down the path and through the forest to a finishing point within the Castle Estate.  It was anticipated that the event would be held during the period from 24th till 25th November.  She pointed out that the event had been scheduled to take place at Tollymore Forest.  However, due to the danger of spreading larch disease, it had been cancelled and she stated that, although there was no evidence to suggest that that disease had reached Cave Hill, the Council would be requesting that the organisers put measures in place to ensure that cross-contamination did not occur.  Access to certain areas of the Park would be restricted during the event to organisers and participants and the course design would keep disruption to a minimum.  The event would also have a minimal impact on the business at the Belfast Castle. 


            The Assistant Director explained that downhill mountain biking was covered by the parks bye?laws,  which stated that “A person shall not ride any bicycle in a manner which is unsafe or likely to cause damage to the park or give reasonable cause for annoyance or alarm to other persons in the park”.  She pointed out, however, that management had engaged with mountain bikers for over a decade and had dealt previously with issues of public safety and illegal biking within the park.  The event had the potential to attract additional riders to the site for which it was not designed to accommodate, nor were there the appropriate resources in place to enforce the bye-laws relating to such activity.  Research had indicated that events such as this usually took place in coniferous forest venues which were larger and of less biodiversity value.  Environmental and biodiversity issues had been highlighted regarding the sensitivity of the habitats on the Cave Hill and the significant development of the path network at the site.  She stated that, should approval be granted for a small event this year, the organisers had secured funding to make it an international event next year which could showcase the new mountain biking facility at the Barnett Demesne.  A bond would be sought from the organisers in order to reinstate any areas damaged during the event.


            Accordingly, she recommended that the Committee accede to the request to hold the event on the Cave Hill, subject to satisfactory terms being agreed with Parks management and on the condition that:


·        the event organisers resolved all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;


·        the event organisers would meet with the Cave Hill Conservation Group and satisfied all requirements to conserve the area and natural habitat;


·        the event organisers ensured that all health and safety requirements were met to the Council’s satisfaction; and


·        an appropriate agreement was prepared by the Assistant Chief Executive/Town Solicitor.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


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