Agenda item

In pursuance of a previous decision of the Committee, to receive a presentation from representatives of Belfast Boxing Ring in relation to the erection of a number of statues to acknowledge the valuable contribution which boxing had made to the City


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 15th March, it had agreed to receive at a future meeting a presentation from representatives of the Belfast Boxing Ring in relation to its plans for the erection of a number of statues to acknowledge the valuable contribution which boxing had made to the City.  Accordingly, former boxers Mr. E. McAuley, Mr. D. Larmour and Mr. N. Sinclair, together with Mr. T. Monaghan, a brother of the late former world champion John “Rinty” Monaghan, representing that group, were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


            Mr. McAuley informed the Committee that the Belfast Boxing Ring had been established in 2010, with the aim of celebrating the rich and shared history of boxing, both amateur and professional, across communities in the City. He explained that the group was seeking the Council’s permission to use some of its parks in order to mark that history. The group’s initial objective was to commission a statue to mark the achievements of “Rinty” Monaghan, which they would, ideally, wish to be located at the Cathedral Gardens at York Street. The statue, a replica of which had been displayed at the meeting, would be approximately ten feet in height and cast in bronze and would, in the view of the Belfast Boxing Ring, prove to be a popular tourist attraction at a key entry point to the City and the Cathedral Quarter. It was hoped that, if approved, the statue would be completed in time to mark the 30th anniversary in 2014 of the boxer’s death.


            Mr. McAuley then referred to the Belfast Boxing Ring’s proposals for the erection of a statue in the Dunville Park to celebrate the career of the former world boxing champion John Caldwell, who had died in 2009. He outlined the extent of the discussions which had taken place with the local community and political representative in the Falls area and pointed out that the Park, which was being redeveloped currently, would be an ideal location in which to acknowledge a man who had brought great pride to that area. 


            Mr. Larmour provided an overview of the tradition of boxing in the Shankill district and informed the Members that the group planned to mark that legacy in some form, possibly within the Woodvale Park.  He explained that the Belfast Boxing Ring would, as part of the process, be engaging with local representatives and other interested parties.


            In response to Members’ questions, the representatives confirmed that the projects would be funded through contributions from both public bodies and private individuals and that issues such as maintenance and insurance cover would be addressed once approval had been granted.


            The representatives thanked the Committee for receiving them and they retired from the meeting.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed, in principle, that it was supportive of the Belfast Boxing Ring’s proposals and noted that a report would be submitted to a future meeting providing detailed information on the projects suggested.