Agenda item


(Councillor Mullan left the room whilst this matter was under consideration.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.     Relevant Background Information


         Reports were presented to both the Parks and Leisure Committee and the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on the Stadia upgrades at their June 2012 committee meetings.  Members were also updated on the Deloitte Report which considered the potential added value and the regeneration potential of the proposed Stadia Development.


         The Council’s Investment Programme 2012-2015 committed the Council to working with Government, sporting bodies and local communities to maximise the benefit of the Stadia investment.


         The Investment Programme also committed the Council to a Review of Leisure Provision and to create proposals for the redevelopment of the Leisure Estate.


         The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at its’ June meeting agreed that the Directors of Parks and Leisure and Property and Projects’ progress discussions with the IFA and Linfield on the wider regeneration potential of the stadium development and agreed a feasibility study being commissioned in relation to the options for the Stadium, Midgely Park and Olympia in the context of the wider review of leisure.


         At a special meeting of the Parks and Leisure Committee to which all members of Council were invited on 12 November 2012 the IFA provided a presentation on the Windsor Park Development.


         Officers met with the GAA in December 2012 regarding the Casement Park development and the potential to work with the Council on wider community benefits and regenerative potential particularly with regard to Andersonstown Leisure Centre.


         The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 14 December 2012 agreed that a further report and timetable would be submitted to the Committee in line with the Deloitte Leisure Estate Report which is due in January 2013 and that officers continue to work with the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure, the IFA and the GAA to ensure the greatest mutual benefit in terms of community gain from these projects.


2.      Key Issues


         The IFA architects who are working on the Windsor Park project have been appointed to undertake the feasibility study into options for the Windsor, Midgely Park and Olympia sites.  They are due to report in early February 2013.


         Initial discussions have been held with the GAA design consultants regarding the potential for an integrated leisure solution being developed to include Andersonstown Leisure Centre as well as the wider regenerative projects in the area.


         Members will be aware that Deloitte have been commissioned by the Council to provide an expert view on the city’s leisure needs and on the development of the framework within which the Council can take decisions on the renewal of the Leisure Estate.  This work is nearing completion and will be reported on to both SP&R and Parks and Leisure Committees in January 2013.  Clearly the realisation of the benefits of strategic opportunities such as the Stadia Developments to provide better integration of services and provide value for money should form a significant part of any decision making framework going forward.


         There is a tight time frame for the delivery of Stadia with both having to be completed by the end of March 2015.  The programme for delivery of the Windsor Park Development is further advanced than that for Casement Park but in any event the Council will have to take decisions regarding the possible integration of leisure provision including the financial commitment required by the end of May 2013.


         Further reports will be brought to SP&R Committee in January 2013 and the Parks and Leisure Committee in February 2013 on proposals for the Leisure Estate Review and the potential to maximise the strategic opportunities provided by the Stadia Development.


3.      Recommendations


         Members are asked to note the content of this report.”


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.


Supporting documents: