Agenda item


Parks Operative Posts


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.     Relevant Background Information


         As part of the ongoing Parks and Leisure Improvement Programme, it has been identified that the Parks Service has experienced operational difficulties due to a shortfall of posts with driving responsibilities within their job description.  This has resulted in a reliance on the post holders within the pool of Gardener 3’s carrying out driving duties on a goodwill basis.  Withdrawal of this flexibility poses a substantial risk to the department as the ability to provide the required operational services and business continuity would be greatly diminished.


         The Parks Service also has employed four agency workers to provide additional driving capacity.


         Following the re evaluation of the operational designations of Driver Gardeners and Tractor Drivers in June 2012 the post of Parks Operative was created to give a high degree of flexibility with regards to both driving and gardening duties. By increasing the number of Parks Operative posts the service anticipates that there will be a reduction in overtime and agency costs.


2.      Key Issues


         Number of Parks Operative posts and driving requirements


         Parks and Leisure Services have an establishment of 25 Parks Operative posts (Scale 4). The Parks Operatives work as members of static or mobile gardening teams throughout the city and are responsible for transporting staff and equipment around the sites. To determine where the current gaps in driving provision exist a consultation exercise and an analysis of the driving requirements was undertaken by the Organisational Development (OD) Unit.


         To cover driving responsibilities in areas where there are no Parks Operative posts, Gardener (Scale 3) postholders have been driving on a voluntary basis. The Parks Service also has employed four agency workers to provide additional driving capacity at a cost of £82,960 per annum.  (These costs have been included in revenue estimates for at least the past four years). 


         The analysis of the driving requirements across the Parks Service showed that up to a further 22 Parks Operative posts are required to provide the service with the correct driving capacity and operational flexibility. It is proposed that the 22 Parks Operative posts replace the same number of Gardener (Scale 3) posts (of which there are currently 41 established posts), thus ensuring that the establishment figures remain unchanged.  This would remove the need to employ agency drivers.


         It is therefore proposed that up to 22 Parks Operative posts would be filled via an internal ring fenced trawl to posts at Scale 3 and above throughout the Council to provide some protection to the 22 Gardener (Scale 3) posts that will be deleted from the structure.


3.      Resource Implications




         The cost of deleting up to 22 Gardener (Scale 3) posts and replacing these with 22 Parks Operative posts (Scale 4) is £43,230.  However ceasing to engage four agency drivers will save £82,960.


         Implementing these recommendations will therefore result in a net saving of £39,730 for the department. It is envisaged that these funds will be redirected to ongoing reviews which are currently being undertaken as part of the Parks and Leisure Improvement Programme in relation to operational cover for pitches and bowling pavilions.



         Human Resources


         There has been extensive consultation with both staff and Trade Unions resulting in a management side agreement on the recommendations.  Employee Relations have also been consulted with to discuss the proposed changes and to agree the appropriate implementation process. Normal HR policies and procedures will be applied in conducting all changes.


4.      Recommendations


         Members are asked to approve the revised establishment as follows:


·      The creation of up to twenty two Parks Operative (Scale 4) posts; and

·         The deletion of up to twenty-two Gardener (Scale 3) posts from the structure.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations as set out and it was agreed that a report be submitted to a future meeting which would provide an overview of the number of operational reviews which had been carried out thus far as part of the Parks and Leisure Improvement Plan and which would provide also an outline of the number of reviews which had as yet to be undertaken.