Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.      Relevant Background Information


           Currently at Roselawn Cemetery there are two Grave types available, viz., Type A  - full depth grave for up to four earth burials and/or cremated remains; or Type B – suitable for two earth burials and/or cremated remains.




2.        Key Issues


           Within a few of the existing sections of the cemetery there are areas of ground that cannot accommodate any earth burials. This is due either to the presence of a seam of ground rock three ft below (Section D) or close proximity to the water table four ft down (Section W). This ground is currently lying unused although as it is incorporated into the layout of the adjoining graves they do have concrete raft foundations laid.


           The Memorial Tree scheme is no longer available at Roselawn Cemetery and the Manager has received requests from bereaved families for an alternative disposal option on site for cremated remains. One option is a grave to hold cremated remains only. Indications from some recently bereaved families are that they would purchase this type of disposal option.


           As this unused ground is already laid out within the existing burial sections it could immediately form without any expense incurred by the Department a new type of grave that would hold cremated remains only - to be called Type C – and because the concrete raft foundation is already in place headstones can be erected immediately after purchase. 


           When cremated remains are buried in a traditional grave the opening is dug down to 2 ft and the urn interred. Each traditional grave is 7 feet long x 4 feet 6inches wide. The potential Type C graves are also this size and could accommodate up to 12 sets of cremated remains. This is a good utilization of the grave and ensures sustainably and continuity for families as a family grave for generations.


3.        Resource Implications


           There are currently  25 graves identified in Section D and to date 34 graves have been identified in Section W with potentially more as the next part of Section W opens on the far side of Lake Two – the last laid out rows are close to the underlying water table and therefore unsuitable for earth burials.


           The ground is already laid out in grass and is maintained to the same high grounds maintenance standard as the surrounding area. To establish a Type C grave would provide additional income for the Department in the selling of each grave, from the interment of each set of cremated remains and from the erection and foundation fees for a headstone and would also utilise areas of unused ground.


           Currently the existing 2012/13 Scale of Charges are:



Belfast Resident

Non-Belfast Resident

Type A grave



Type B grave



Fee for grant



Burial of cremated remains in a grave



Fee to erect a memorial



Type 111 foundation



Type V1 foundation




           It is proposed to charge £150.00 for a Type C grave for Belfast Residents and £472.50 for Non-Belfast Residents - the current charging structure is treble charge plus 5% for the Non-Belfast Residents. These prices would then increase for the 2013/14 Scale of Charges effective from 1 April 2013.


5   .     Recommendations


           Members are asked to approve the content of this report namely:-


·         To agree the introduction of a Type C grave at Roselawn Cemetery which would be for the interment of cremated remains only


·         To agree the proposed cost of £150.00 for Belfast Residents for 2012/13 and £472.50 for Non-Belfast Residents. These prices would increase in line with the scale of charges increase for 2013/14.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: