Agenda item


(Ms. C. Wilson, Neighbourhood and Development Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:

“1.1     Windsor/Olympia


The Committee had agreed that ‘option 2’ was the Council preference; which includes moving leisure provision into the new stadium; relocation of community centre provision into the Village area; redevelopment of the Olympia site to provide a new alignment and replacement for Midgely Park; a new pitch; play provision; some commercial development and new public realm and access to the stadium from Boucher Road.  Two community engagement sessions have taken place and during debate option 2 is closely aligned to public response although further consultation will be necessary on detail.


DCAL/Linfield and the IFA also favour this option as the Council use of stadium space for leisure in the widest sense meets the sustainable community benefit criteria and of course it provides a much better setting and access for the new stadium adding to its offer.  Discussions are ongoing with the IFA regarding leasing arrangements and mutual benefits, as well as with Linfield Football Club regarding their provision.


Currently an economic appraisal is underway to test the extent of leisure offer available in the stadium space, the cost of the overall option as opposed to replacing Olympia as is, including IFA rental agreements with Linfield on Midgely Park etc.  This will be presented to SP&R Committee in April/May, for their consideration.


1.2    Casement/Andersonstown


Options for collaborative leisure at Casement/Andersonstown essentially were one of three broad options:


                                  i.        Development of leisure space within the stadium equivalent in space terms to the existing leisure centre and redevelop the leisure site in some other way;

                                ii.        Share leisure provision with between the stadium and a replacement of the Andersonstown Leisure Centre site;

                               iii.        Provide all new leisure facilities at the Andersonstown Leisure Centre site and have a different form of community benefit associated with the stadium.


A number of meetings took place with the GAA integrated design team to test option (i) and after some difficulties about available space, proposals were identified that could provide equivalent floor space within the stadium to include both wet and dry facilities.


A public meeting was also held in Andersonstown Leisure Centre which was very well attended in regard to the three options and there was overwhelming support for option (iii). Although one public meeting does not represent everyone, the view from political representatives in the area is also that a replacement of Andersonstown on the existing site is preferable.  Officers have continued engagement with DCAL officials as to how best to ensure community benefit for the public money associated with Casement. 


SP&R Committee agreed to refocus the economic appraisal at the Casement/Andersonstown development on the Andersonstown site and maximise regeneration benefits of both the Leisure Centre and Stadium, for presentation to Committee in April/May.


1.3    Overall


Members have stressed the major physical, social and economic regenerative impacts of stadia development and the consequent economic multiplier effect.  To this end, Council officers have also been in contact with DSD who have a high level South West Gateway Masterplan which they are about to begin to operationalise.  There are keen to work with the Council on this, particularly in regard to traffic management for both stadia.  To inform this work, a wider traffic impact study for South West Belfast in conjunction with DSD will be commissioned shortly.


DCAL have also had one meeting of an interdepartmental group intended to create comprehensive regeneration plans which a Council officer attended.  Council officers have begun developing comprehensive regeneration plans, for future consideration by Committee.


1.4    Conclusion


At its meeting in March, SP&R Committee agreed to continue the in principle decision to move both the Olympia and Andersonstown Leisure Centres to stage 2 of the Capital Programme as the first phase of the Citywide Leisure Estate Review; and to develop both regeneration plans concurrently as far as possible working toward an investment decision in May with a completion date in 2016.”


            During discussion, a Member pointed out that it was essential that the costs estimated by the Council for the delivery of any projects associated with the stadia developments to be managed prudently to ensure that budgets would not be exceeded. A further Member indicated that the Ulster Unionist Party would be opposed to the corporate hire and use of consultants to oversee the financial management of any Council investments which would be undertaken in conjunction with the stadia developments.


            After discussion, during which the Director clarified a number of matters in respect of the report, the Committee noted the information which had been provided.


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