Agenda item



            The Committee considered the undernoted report, together with the associated appendix, which provided an update on the progress achieved to date with the strategy:


“1.       Background Information


1.1       The Committee will recall that its meeting in March 2012 following the completion of an Equality Impact Assessment it approved the Pitches Strategy.  In the interim, work has progressed towards the:


§  Identification of preferred locations for the additional / upgraded facilities, including discussions with end users and residents as appropriate; some of these discussions have resulted in a review of the initial preferred locations, however discussions have now been largely concluded;

§  The appointment of a design team has  been completed and work has commenced to complete the necessary site investigations to inform the design process and move towards the submission of planning applications; design work is underway on all 10 projects;

§  Current estimates indicate that the delivery of the physical element of the strategy will be delivered by October 2015 in line with the Investment Programme.


            Members will recall that the strategy identified 10 sites across the city which would benefit from Investment through the strategy with the aim of improving facilities and greater intensification of use. The Pitches Strategy identified shortfalls of provision for some sporting codes e.g. Gaelic Football.  In order to maximise use of new provision, it was also agreed that new 3G hybrid pitches would significantly intensify use and provide new opportunities across sporting codes.


            Members are reminded that during the prioritisation process to identify sites for investment reference was made to a potential partnership with GAA who had indicated a willingness to invest financially in a number of the sites.  The Committee received a report on the establishment of a Joint Management Board with GAA at its meeting in December 2012. 


            The current position is that GAA has offered to invest £1m to support the Council in its decision to improve sports facilities through the pitches strategy.   The GAA has indicated that the investment would be split across 4 sites, Cherryvale Playing Fields, Cliftonville Playing Fields, Musgrave Park and Woodlands Playing Fields.


            In addition, St Bridget’s GAC has indicated that it would meet the cost of including a meeting room within the proposed new build at Musgrave Park at a cost of approximately £43,000.  Agreement has been reached with GAA in respect of each of the four sites above.  This is subject to a letter of offer from GAA regarding the funding. 


2.   Key Issues


1.    Steady progress is being made in terms of the delivery of the pitches strategy and it is anticipated that the works on all the sites will be completed by October 2015.  In line with the Investment Programme; Planning applications have been made in respect of three sites (Dixon Park; Musgrave Park and Waterworks Park) applications are pending in a further three sites (Victoria Park; Woodlands and Cliftonville Playing Fields) and work is underway on the preparation of drawings in respect of the four outstanding sites;


2.    It has been necessary to review each site to identify all necessary works including provision of services, pitches, car parking etc.  This has had consequential cost implications which were reflected to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in March 2013 and a capital budget of £14.1 million has been agreed.  Members will be aware that the GAA has also committed to invest £1 million at four sites across the city to support the Council’s investment.   


            During discussions with end users a number of management issues have been raised.  These will be progressed in the coming months, however Members are asked to note the following:


·       Owing to the construction works it may be necessary to displace teams.  Work will be undertaken in the coming months to estimate the needs of the clubs affected and efforts will be made to minimise the disruption and displacement.


·       The issue of cost of use of 3G pitches has been raised during the public consultation exercise.  Members will be aware that the cost of hiring a 3G pitch is £70 per hour as compared to the cost of natural turf pitch which is £38 per match.  Clubs and sporting associations have raised the issue of cost and have asked that the Council review its pricing schedule in relation to 3G pitches.  This piece of work will be progressed in the coming months and again a report will be brought forward at a future date.

3    Resource Implications


3.1       Financial


            The estimated cost for the delivery of the agreed pitch developments is £15.1 million.  The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee has committed £14.1 million as part of its capital programme.  The Committee is asked to note that the GAA has agreed to invest £1m at four sites across the city to support the Council in the delivery of the strategy.  This is subject to receipt of a letter of offer from GAA. 


3.2       Asset and Other Implications


            The development of the new pitches and associated ancillary structures and changing pavilions will greatly enhance provision in the city and will enable greater levels of participation in sport and contribution to improved health and well being.


4          Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1       The pitches strategy has been subject to Equality Impact Assessment.”


Appendix 1 – Update







Current position


Ballysillan Playing Fields



8 changing room pavilion 


Outline drawings prepared with a view to submitting a planning application by summer 2013.



Cherryvale Playing Fields



3rd generation hybrid pitch and associated 4 room changing pavilion, floodlighting and fencing.



GAA has indicated that it wishes to invest £350k in the site. The proposal is to provide a floodlit natural turf pitch, the cost of which will be met by GAA.  In addition a 3G artificial pitch for GAA training and association football will be provided.  The existing pavilion will be refurbished to meet the needs of the site.  A planning application incorporating drawings will be prepared and submitted following the finalisation of the detail.





Cliftonville Playing Fields




3rd generation GAA pitch and associated 4 room changing pavilion, floodlighting and fencing.



This scheme will be progressed by the Department of Education. GAA has indicated that it will invest £100k in the site.



Dixon Park



4 changing room pavilion


Planning application has been submitted.




Falls Park



3rd generation hybrid pitch and associated 4 room changing pavilion, floodlighting fencing and associated car parking



Drawings will be prepared with a view to submitting a planning application following the finalisation of the details around the location of the changing pavilion.


Musgrave Park



Construction of a 4 room changing pavilion



Planning application has been submitted.  This scheme at the request of GAA and St Brigid’s GAC include an extension to the existing natural turf training pitch, the cost of which will be met by GAA - £100k, it also includes an additional reception room, the cost of which will be met by the club, £43K.


Ormeau Park



3rd generation hybrid pitch and associated 4 room changing pavilion, floodlighting fencing and car parking.



Drawings are currently being prepared for submission of a planning application which is scheduled to be lodged by June 2013


Victoria Park



Construct a 10 room changing pavilion



A planning application has been prepared, however, submission has been deferred to enable discussions with the NI Environment Agency and the Airport Authorities to be completed to determine access arrangements in advance of planning.  It is intended to lodge a planning application by June 2013.  Members are asked to note that progress on this site is dependent on completion of this section of the Connswater Community Greenway Scheme.






Waterworks (Westland)



Construction of a 2 room changing pavilion and associated car parking.


Planning application has been lodged.






3rd generation hybrid pitch and associated 4 room changing pavilion, floodlighting fencing and car parking.



Drawings are currently being prepared with a view to lodging a planning application by June 2013.  GAA has indicated that it wishes to invest on the site and has indicated a figure of £450,000.  It is therefore proposed to increase the changing pavilion to an 8 team facility with the additional cost being met by GAA.



            A lengthy discussion ensued during which several Members sought clarification on issues raised regarding the proposals for the individual sites.  The Director provided clarification in respect of the individual sites, timetables for delivery, the planning and consultation processes, together with the future management arrangements for those sites being part-funded by the Gaelic Athletic Association.  He agreed also to meet with individual Members, as required, and to make available and clarify the plans for individual sites.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and noted further the updated position in respect of the proposals as outlined in the above-mentioned table.


Supporting documents: