Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


            “1.    Relevant Background Information


Members will be aware that a request from Christian Aid and others to permit the staging of a ‘BIG IF BELFAST’ concert in the grounds of City Hall to coincide with the hosting of the G8 summit of world leaders in County Fermanagh in June 2013 has been agreed by Council.


Following discussion at a planning meeting attended by the organisers, members of the PSNI, Emergency Planning Team and City Centre management team and others, it was evident that the increased activity around the G8 conference being held in N. Ireland would make it difficult to stage an event for thousands of people in the grounds of City Hall on that afternoon.


The organisers have therefore approached the Council to seek approval to change the venue of the event to the Great Lawn in Botanic Gardens. The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday 15 June 2013 from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.


         The organisers have stated that the purpose of the event is to:


·       Provide an entertaining and informative mass mobilisation event in Belfast on 15 June.

·       Prioritise IF campaign supporters at the Mass Mobilisation event in Belfast.

·       Provide a platform for Campaign messages to be heard by thousands of people.

·       Link the whole of Northern Ireland into the Mass Mobilisation event.

·       Generate positive media coverage for the campaign through creative stage programming.

·       Produce memorable images for wider campaign use.


            2.      Key Issues


The capacity of the Great Lawn is for approximately 9,000 people subject to set up and take down and entertainment license.  However, PSNI estimate that in excess of 30,000 people may protest in Belfast at various times during the period of the G8 Summit.


These protests would raise a range of health & safety and possible public order concerns which would require significant additional resources to manage and control – costs that could be transferred to the organisers to ensure the integrity of the environs of Botanic Gardens and in particular the Palm House.


Officers have met with the event organisers and asked them to consider using the Lower Botanic area as it would be easier to fence off and control. The event organisers however have stated a strong preference for the Great Lawn area due to the iconic nature of the surroundings. To mitigate the risk of damage to the Palm House, the organisers have been asked to create an inner perimeter around the Palm House to provide greater protection.


In order to stage this event, if permitted by Council, it will require the organisers to work in cooperation with the Council and PSNI to make sure the event is delivered in a manner that does not impinge upon the local area and local residents. Preliminary discussions have taken place with PSNI about staging the event in Botanic Gardens.


For the purposes of set up and take down, the gardens will be required by the organisers from Thursday 13 June to Sunday 16 June.  The event area will be fenced off and stewarded to allow the rest of the park to remain open during set up and take down. It is proposed to close Botanic Gardens on the day of the event and to put appropriate access control measures in place for the event.


The event will be free and will be by invitation only via a coalition of charities involved in the organisation. The event would be a no alcohol event. The organisers will liaise with The Queen’s University and the Ulster Museum to consider the impact of the event on these venues.An event management plan will be required to provide assurance that the event will meet all statutory requirements including health and safety and entertainment licensing.


It is proposed to announce the event to the media using a staged photograph opportunity in Botanic Gardens on 14 May. The photographs would be used to accompany a press release giving details that the event is happening and will be used to raise the profile of the campaign and the objectives. It will not be a call to action as no tickets will be publically available.


The Council would also request that the event can be cancelled if it or PSNI feel that the event would be become a target for other types of G8 protests that would attract a larger socially disruptive crowd.


            3.      Resource Implications




The bond of intent shall be waived but the bond of reinstatement of £5,000 will need to be provided by the organisers.  The fee for the use of the area would be £3,000 and a bond of intent of £1,000 would normally be required however Members may wish to waive these fees due to the charitable nature of the event.




         A bond of reinstatement as outlined above shall be applied.

                     Measures will be taken to protect the Palm House.


            4.      Equality and good relations implications


Local residents will be consulted as part of the development of the event management plan.


            5.      Recommendations


The Committee is requested to consider whether or not to grant permission to hold the Big IF Belfast event in Upper Botanic Gardens (the Great Lawn area). If permission is granted, this will be subject to satisfactory terms being agreed by the Director of Parks and Leisure and on condition that:


·        the event organisers resolve all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;

·        an appropriate legal agreement being prepared by the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor is completed; and

·        the event organisers meet all statutory requirements including health and safety and entertainment licensing.


In the event that permission is granted, the Committee is asked to confirm if they wish to waive the bond of intent of £1,000 and the fees of £3,000 for use of Botanic Gardens.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations, subject to the application of the bond of intent of £1,000 and, given the charitable nature of the event, the waiving of the hire fee of £3,000.