Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


     “1.  Relevant Background Information


          Members will be aware that the Committee considered a request from the County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast at its May meeting regarding the availability of the Ballysillan Playing Fields on 12th July between 13:00 and 16:00


         The County Grand Orange Lodge has indicated that their intention was to consider the use of the car park space as a meeting and/or dispersal point for up to 8,000 people should the need arise.  Mr William Mawhinney on behalf of the County Grand Orange Lodge had explained that this was only an enquiry on the availability of the site for hire on the day and that he would confirm their request closer to the day.


         The request had been referred to the Council’s Joint Group of the Party Group Leaders Forum and the Historic Centenaries Working Group.  They had advised that the request be forwarded to Parks and Leisure Committee for their consideration.


         The Parks and Leisure Committee at its meeting on 9th May 2013 agreed to defer consideration of the request until the June Committee meeting.  Subsequently the Equality Screening form was distributed to the members of the Committee.


2.       Key Issues


          Following the May meeting the Director wrote to the County Grand Orange Lodge seeking additional information on their intentions.  The County Grand Orange Lodge have indicated that they are unable to provide any further information until the Parades Commission make their determination.


3.       Resource Implications



         None – a charge would only be incurred if the use of the space was for the purposes of an event.



         No staffing implications in addition to normal provision.  Stewards to be provided by County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast.


         The space likely to be used is a hard surface area and there will be no detrimental effect to the sports ground.  There may be restricted access to the playground but this is unlikely to affect many users.


          Equality Implications


         If the Committee grants approval for the event, and the organizers formalize their request, the mitigating actions to be put in place include:

§  Action plan and risk assessment completed, in line with standard procedures, from organisers to demonstrate dispersal routes and appropriate liaison with Police Service NI and emergency services.  In particular, assurance would be sought in relation to stewarding and monitoring the lower part of the open space to ensure that there are no incidents in relation to Deerpark residents or properties;

§  Promotion of other facilities and open spaces in North Belfast;

§  Early notice of potential disruption to service users e.g. playground;

§  Communication of closure of Ballysillan Leisure Centre in accordance with standard operating practice on 12 July.”


5.      Recommendation


         The Committee is asked to consider the request from the County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast.


         Should the Committee decide to make the Ballysillan Playing Fields available for use by the County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast on 12th July 2013, this would be subject to:


·           An appropriate event management plan

·           All statutory requirements being met

·           The organisers having appropriate liability insurance

·           A legal agreement being drawn up by the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor


            The Director reported that he had received the undernoted response on 3rd June:


“Further to your correspondence of 16th May, 2013, seeking any additional information to our correspondence requesting the use of Ballysillan Playing Fields on Friday 12th July, 2013, from 1.00 – 4.00pm may I advise you of the following.


      I presented your correspondence to the County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast and was advised to notify you that we have no further information at this time, however as soon as the Parades Commission make their determination, if any!, then we will be in a position to advise of our intended use of Ballysillan Playing Fields or otherwise.


      Regretfully this request is part of our wider strategic plan and we are therefore not in a position to impart any detail at this time. Trusting you will understand the rationale of this position, but it is firmly in the hands of the Parades Commission that will decide our outcome on this day.”


During discussion, a Member suggested that, given that the further correspondence which had been received from the County Grand Lodge had not provided further significant information on the plans for the event, the Committee was not in a position to take an informed decision in the matter. He added that it might be appropriate, in order to provide the organisers with additional time to submit clarification, to refer the matter to the Council for consideration at its meeting on 1st July. 


A further Member indicated, in light of the disruption to local residents which might occur as a result of the event, that the Committee should be minded to refuse the application. He indicated also that, in the absence of a determination by the Parades Commission in respect of the proposed event, it would be premature of the Council to grant the use of the facility.


Further Members, however, pointed out that since the request which had been submitted was for permission merely to use the playing fields ‘in principle’, the Committee was in a position to take a decision and that the further information and clarification requested could be submitted by the organisers in due course.  


A further Member referred to a statement which had been released by the County Grand Lodge two days prior to the meeting which provided guidance to its members regarding forthcoming parades in Belfast. She pointed out also that the statement had indicated that organisation’s willingness to address issues of concern which had been raised by residents’ groups and, as such, the application should be considered favourably within the context of that statement.


After discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor McCabe,

Seconded by Councillor Cunningham,


      That, given the absence of information from the organisers in respect of the proposed event, together with the potential for disruption which might occur as a result, the Committee agrees not to accede to the request from the County Grand Lodge of Belfast to grant the use of the Ballysillan Playing Fields on 12th July.



Moved by Councillor Convery, 

Seconded by Councillor Mallon,


      That, in light of the lack of information which had been submitted by the organisers, the Committee agrees that it is not in a position to make a decision on the request and agrees further that the matter be referred to the Council for consideration at its meeting to be held on 1st July.


Further Amendment


Moved by Alderman Robinson,

Seconded by Alderman Rodgers,


      That the Committee agrees to grant permission, in principle, to the County Grand Lodge of Belfast for the use of the Ballysillan Playing Fields on 12th July.


The Committee agreed to consider Alderman Robinson’s further amendment initially and on a vote by show of hands eight Members voted for and eight against. As there was an equality of votes, the Chairman exercised his second and casting vote for the further amendment and it was accordingly declared carried.


Alderman Robinson’s amendment was thereupon put to the Committee as the substantive proposal and on a vote by show of hands eight Members voted for the proposal and eight against. Since there was an equality of votes, the Chairman exercised his second and casting vote for the proposal and it was accordingly declared carried.



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