Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


            “1      Key Issues


The content of the plan reflects the key supporting actions identified through the Corporate Plan and the Investment Programme.  The plan for the Parks and Leisure Department sets out:-

·         the key actions within the corporate plan and investment programme that the department has responsibility for delivering in 2013/14

·         key departmental actions in 2013/14

·         the departments outcome framework and key performance indicators for 2013/14

·         financial information relating to the estimates for 2013/14.


The plan provides a mechanism to enable committee and senior managers to project and performance manage the key work of the department in line with the Corporate Plan and Investment Programme. It should also assist managers and officers in the department to make decisions and allocate resources in line with the agreed objectives and activities.


Under the council’s Scheme of Delegation, the Director of Parks and Leisure has been given the delegated authority to undertake the activities as well as any additional related activities.  Progress update reports will be submitted to the Parks and Leisure Committee twice yearly as part of the corporate performance management framework.  For the 2013-14 period, the Director intends to use delegated authority to:-

·         implement the actions stemming from the departmental improvement programme;

·         authorise unforeseen or reactive events in any parks or leisure facility in accordance with the events policy;

·         engage any relevant professional expertise required to deliver the actions outlined in Section 6 of the plan subject to adherence to the Council’s procurement protocols and the necessary budgetary allocation having been made;

·         set nominal entrance fees or charges or waive fees for the Department’s activities or events in those cases where an appropriate case has been made – e.g. summer schemes and interface programmes.

·         approve charitable collections and fund raising activities of partner organisations who contribute to the achievement of the council’s vision and objectives in Parks and Leisure facilities.


To support all the departmental planning and performance efforts, the Parks and Leisure Department will focus in 2013/14 on the introduction of a robust departmental outcomes framework).  The departmental outcomes framework will be used to:

·         clearly define what the Parks and Leisure Department means by inputs, outputs and outcomes;

·         align with corporate themes;

·         determine our contribution to inputs, outputs and outcomes as a department;

·         identify the departmental projects, programmes and activities provided or supported in order to deliver inputs, outputs and outcomes, considering the linkages and connections between there;

·         identify how we measure out inputs, outputs and outcomes, and

·         how we develop the evidence based/ data sources around them.


            2       Resource Implications


Human Resources

Delivery of most of the programmes and projects planned for the year ahead will require dedicated officer time which will be recorded and reflected within annual service plans, area plans and separate unit/centre level plans.


Asset and Other Implications

Many of the projects and activities listed in the draft plan refer to the physical regeneration of the department’s assets and physical improvements to our facilities.


            3       Equality and Good Relations Considerations


There are no equality or good relations implications at this stage.  However all activities and programmes contained within the plan will be subject to equality screening in line with the Council’s process.


            4       Recommendation


                    The Committee is requested to endorse the Departmental Plan.


            After discussion, during which the Director clarified a number of matters in respect of the Plan and answered a range of Members’ questions in relation thereto, the Committee approved the document, a copy of which was published on the Council’s website.



Supporting documents: