Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.    Relevant Background Information


         Previously the Committee has provided financial support to the Ulster Bank Festival at Queen’s to deliver family-themed events during the annual festival since 2010.  This has attracted audiences of over 10,000 adults and children into Council parks over that period.


2.      Key Issues


         Two requests have been received for large-scale events: from the Festival at Queen’s and Belfast Mela, for events in 2013. These are now both high-profile, large-scale well-organised cultural events which are now established as part of the fabric of the annual calendar of events in Belfast.  They fit well across the Council’s strategic objectives related to the environment and creating attractive, vibrant neighbourhoods. 


         These events also have significant economic benefit to local neighbourhoods and the city, attracting visitors from across Belfast as well as tourists.


         It is proposed that the Council establishes an interim arrangement with these two organisations for 2013.  This would be with a view to conducting a broader review on strategic partnerships for events across the city, and with recommendations to be in place for 2014 for the delivery of an annual calendar of high-quality, large-scale (5,000+), family-orientated cultural events across the city. 


         Some of the benefits to Council in growing these 2 cultural events include:

·         High-profile and quality events in parks locations across the city

·         Strong foundation for an annual parks events calendar

·         Outreach to non-traditional parks users

·         Reduction in anti-social behaviour in parks

·         Positive media coverage for parks and Belfast

·         Improving community relations

·         Local economic spend

·         Volunteering

·         Bed-nights for tourists.


         A partnership approach would enable both the Council and partner organisations to plan and deliver collaboratively events across the city.  The partnerships would operate on a not-for-profit basis, and partners would be encouraged (as many already do) to seek financial support from the private sector to contribute to the costs of the events.  Partners would also be expected to provide the events at no or minimal cost to the public.


         There would also be opportunity to initiate an outreach programme to smaller parks in the city, for example, providing ‘taster’ events to stimulate new audiences across the city, as well as create a network of animated, connected parks.  Both the Festival at Queen’s and Belfast Mela would be asked to facilitate such outreach in 2013.


         It is proposed that within an agreement to be drawn up with the two interim strategic partners, and that a series of targets for participation, outreach and sponsorship would be set, following discussion with the relevant organisations.  The agreement would also include standard Council conditions regarding licensing, use of parks, health and safety requirements and event management planning. 


         A review report will be brought to Committee in late 2013 reviewing the impact of the 2013 activities and outlining a way forward in order to further strengthen and diversify the range of events and locations across the city.



3.      Resource Implications




         Funds of £40,000 has been provided for within budgets for 2013/14



         Human Resources

         There may be overtime required by staff to assist with the management of the proposed event which would be met by the Council.


         Asset and Other Implications

         The Legal Agreement will include a Bond Of Reinstatement (£1000) to ensure minimal impact on Council property, provided by the partner organisations.


4.      Equality Implications

         Equality and good relations implications will be considered in the course of this pilot and updates will be sent to the Equality and Diversity Officer in due course.


5.      Recommendations


         It is recommended that Members agree that the Council partner with the Festival at Queen’s and the Belfast Mela for 2013/14 events, subject to appropriate legal agreements being drawn up, the organisers meeting all statutory requirements and all operational issues being resolved to the Council’s satisfaction.  It is also recommended that a review of strategic partnerships for large scale cultural events be undertaken with recommendations being presented at a future meeting.”


The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: