Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.      Relevant Background Information


           The Council has received an enquiry from Rosie McGivern, Marketing and Bid Coordinator for Kennedy Fitzgerald Architects (KFA), requesting permission for the inclusion of the Grove Wellbeing Centre and Falls Leisure Centre in the programme of exhibits for the European Heritage Open Weekend, Saturday14th – Sunday 15th September 2013, in association with RSUA and NIEA.


           KFA, were the architects who designed both buildings and  they feel they would be of interest to the public for the following reasons:

·                  they display unique architectural concepts;

·                  relate to the local community;

·                  have influenced and acted as a catalyst in regeneration of the areas they are situated in; and

·                  have received many awards and would be of interest to the public.


           If the Council agree to KFA’s request to include both buildings in the European Heritage Open Weekend, their intention is to conduct a guided tour and discuss the buildings from an architect’s perspective.


2   .     Key Issues


           If the Council agree to the request, KFA will provide the exact details of the tours in the coming months, however in initial discussions they have provided us with the following information:


·         KFA would prefer to hold the tours during normal opening hours (10am-4pm) to minimise the inconvenience caused to centre staff. However, they acknowledge that weekends are a busy period for the leisure centres and are willing to work with the centres to arrange the most suitable time.

·         KFA would ideally like access the all three main components of the Grove Wellbeing Centre: the Leisure Centre, the Library and the Health Centre. However, the Library and Health Centre operate limited opening hours at weekends. The Health Centre does not operate on Saturday or Sunday and the Library operates only on Saturday mornings (9.30am-1pm). Therefore special access may be required. KFA are prepared to work with the centre to ensure the event is suitable and to get agreement from the Health Centre and the Library to participate.

·         KFA intends to hold one tour per centre led by the architect. A Council employee or leisure centre staff member can accompany the tour if required.


           It is the intention that the tours would be pre-booked with no more than 20 visitors per tour. The booking arrangements would be handled by RSUA or NIEA, who would then advise KFA and the Council of the expected numbers.


           The tours would be publicised by NIEA and we will also able to promote them if so desired.


3.        Resource Implications




           Buildings participating in EHOD 2013 will be covered by an insurance policy that covers the entire programme and employers and public liability insurance will be provided.


           Human Resources


           Council employees or leisure centre staff may be required to accompany tours.


           Asset and Other Implications


           Tours will be conducted in Falls Leisure Centre and Grove Wellbeing Centre. Should special access to the Library and Health Centre is granted it would be necessary to put in place measures that would enable them to be opened for the duration of the tour.


           Impact of the tours on other leisure centre users should be limited due to KFA’s willingness to work with centres to ensure this.


4.        Equality Implications


           There are no equality implications associated with this report.



5.        Recommendations


           Members are asked to consider the request and agree to include Grove Wellbeing Centre and Falls Leisure Centre in the programme of exhibits for the European Heritage Open Weekend, subject to all operational issues being resolved.


            During discussion, the Director clarified a number of issues in respect of the Council’s policy for cultural events and, at the request of a Member, indicated that he would report back to the Committee providing information on the number and locations of events which had been held in the Councils parks over the past five years.


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: