Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.      Relevant Background Information


           The council has over recent years strived to enhance linkages and mutually beneficial programmes with the IFA. A further opportunity has been identified which is intended to augment current partnership arrangements.


2.        Key Issues


           The IFA have advised of a health programme that they intend to roll out with a selection of clubs. Funding has been provided from DCAL which will enable health seminars to be hosted with selected clubs. Advantages will include the provision of defibrillator equipment and training, first aid equipment & training, in addition to guided seminars discussing nutrition, healthy eating, dietary and mental health issues including stress/depression. Training and delivery partners have already been sourced and the IFA are asking for council co-operation in the form of venue provision and limited marketing support.


           Furthermore, 2 conferences are scheduled each year and each is afforded a specific theme. The initial conference was held at the Park Inn hotel in East Belfast. The forthcoming conference is planned for 9October 2013 and the provisional agenda is focused upon mental health in football and raising awareness of how this can be positively managed. Officers suggested a council venue but IFA management have confirmed that the event has been booked in the Farset International on the Springfield road. It would be our intention to offer venues for the 2 conferences being scheduled during 2014.


           The aforementioned seminars / conferences are intended to target younger participants and attempt to address identified health inequalities with positive community outcomes.


           The IFA are aiming to use football as an enabler to help highlight mental health issues and identify appropriate methods of management.


           Council attendance on identified seminars can be used to promote our own sports development programmes and, if approved, we will provide a speaker for the October conference. This will further enhance our partnership opportunities and will provide a direct platform to influence participants on aspects of our own provision and planning.


3.        Resource Implications


           Provision of council facilities to host up to 6 seminars (approximately 3 hours each) and 2x conferences in 2014 (3 hours each), total of 8 events. Council facility provision and limited marketing support via social media would be accepted as our contribution in kind.


           The cost per seminar would be approximately £75 per session (multi- purpose room x 3 hours) and therefore the potential loss of income would equate to £450.


           The cost per conference would be approximately £90 (main hall x 3 hours) and therefore the potential loss of income would be £180.


           Total potential loss of income = £630.


4.        Equality Implications


           None. Seminars and conferencing would be rotated throughout the city on a geographical basis.


5.        Recommendations


           Members are requested to recommend approval for the request of facility usage and limited marketing support as part of council’s contribution to this partnership opportunity.


            During discussion, a Member suggested that it should be ascertained whether or not the Irish Football Association intended to charge participants to partake in the programme, and, if so, then the Council should seek to recoup its investment from the Association.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to adopt the recommendation, subject to clarification being sought from the Irish Football Association on whether or not it intended to charge participants to partake in the programme

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