Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.      Relevant Background Information


           Table Tennis Ulster (TTU) is the governing body for table tennis in Northern Ireland. TTU was formed in 1937 although Table Tennis in Ulster can be traced back to the early 1920s.


           Currently there are 73 clubs in Ulster with over 972 members, 400 of which are under 17 years old.


           Membership of TTU has increased by approximately 20% in the past 2 years.  This increase is mainly from young people in schools. A Primary and Secondary School Competition structure is in place to accommodate school children taking part in table tennis at participation level, e.g., Schools League Cup and individual championships. 


           Council Officers have been approached by TTU to discuss development of the sport working with local schools and working to establish and support existing clubs.


           In locations such as Ormeau and Botanic bowling pavilions it would be envisaged that local primary schools would be able to ‘feed’ players into these new clubs and provide a pathway for players to continue into the sport for junior to senior level in a safe and controlled environment. 


           TTU has a strong focus on school and club development. The work being done by TTU’s voluntary coaches in Belfast schools is creating a demand which should translate into more players taking part outside the school environment.  There is a need for clubs to have permanent residency close to the schools involved to provide the opportunity to further their development in this sport.


2.        Key Issues


           TTU are eager to increase participation from local community groups and members of Ormeau and Botanic bowling club. BCC officers have met with all four bowling clubs who play out of both pavilions. A number of them have shown interested in participating in the sport with TTU.


           TTU would plan to operate at various times in each bowling pavilion to accommodate the participation of surrounding schools. TTU would also request the use of the pavilions one or two evenings per week and on Saturday and Sunday in agreement and participation with Bowling clubs.


           When the bowling pavilions are not normally staffed it is hoped that key handling arrangements could be put in place – i.e. that these partners will open and close the facilities in line with the club / user requirements, under a legal agreement with the Council.


           Training will be required in relation to all health and safety issues related to the management of the pavilion as well as for safeguarding children and young people also vulnerable adults.


           To ensure there are no double bookings the departments Outdoor Leisure Unit will handle all bookings.


           Council officers request that Ormeau and Botanic bowling clubs be made available free of charge for this pilot. This partnership working between Ormeau and Botanic bowling pavilions and TTU will promote shared space, collaborative working and will improve the use of the facilities which have become under-used over the last ten years. 


3.        Resource Implications



           There may be cost to the council for additional electric and water which we should be able to absorb within the parks operational budget for the parks.


           Human Resources

           There are likely to be some additional staff monitoring and planning implications which should be able to be accommodated through our normal management process.


4.        Equality Implications

           Equality and Good Relations implications will be considered in the course of this pilot and updates will be sent to the Equality and Diversity Officer.


5.        Recommendations


           It is recommended that the committee grant authority for free shared out of hours use of the bowling pavilion subject to satisfactory terms being agreed by the director of Parks and Leisure and on the condition that:

·         The groups resolve all operational and health and safety issues to the council’s satisfaction;

·         an appropriate legal agreement, to be prepared by the director of Legal Services, is completed;


           It is also recommended that Members authorise the Director, under the Scheme of Delegation for future initiatives to take place in additional bowling pavilions free of charge.


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.



Supporting documents: