Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


 “1       Relevant Background Information


The project has been delivered in partnership with Outdoor Recreation Northern Ireland (ORNI).  A legal licence agreement has been entered into between BCC and ORNI with ORNI responsible for a number of tasks, the most prominent being the marketing, promotion, events management and ensuring that all data required is returned to the funders.


All of the new mountain bike trails in Northern Ireland are marketed as a NI package by ORNI and the trail at Barnett Demesne is part of this.  This maximises the promotion of the Barnett Demesne trails and incorporates BCC’s product within the ORNI’s brand ‘Mountain Bike NI’ and associated marketing platforms, thus increasing the awareness levels and in turn visitor numbers.  To further enhance this potential we are keen to enter into 3 further agreements with ORNI, namely Volunteer Mountain Bike Trail Ranger Programme for NI, Annual Mountain Biking Permit and the Application Process for Mountain Biking Events.  This will allow us to follow best practice and it replicates what is being done with the other trails in NI.


The cost to BCC will be approximately £2,400 per year to run the Volunteer Programme plus £800 per annum payable to ORNI.  This covers ORNIs costs for recruiting and maintaining the volunteers, communicating information to volunteers, assisting BCC in setting up a programme of trail maintenance days, publicising any material connected with the programme, securing external funding or sponsorship for the programme and organising ‘Volunteer Reward Scheme’ for participants.



Annual Mountain Biking Permit


Organisations wishing to lead mountain biking coaching or guiding on either a commercial or non commercial basis must apply for a permit.  This will entitle the holder to deliver coaching or guiding on the trail and or jumps and promote their services via the designated trail page on the official website. This allows BCC to monitor the quality of coaching being delivered and it will ensure that trail conduct is delivered to new users.  Whilst it is appreciated that this is not all encompassing it is existing best practice and history has shown that over time permit holders come to know each other and it becomes self-policing. The cost for an annual permit will be in line with other trail centres and set at £80.  It is envisaged that this income will offset the cost of the volunteer ranger scheme.


Mountain Biking Events


In order to satisfy the funders requirements ORNI have assumed responsibility for organising all events on the trails and jumps park as they have the responsibility to oversee outcomes.  In order to monitor this, an application process has been established to allow the trail to be managed in a responsible and effective way.  The application incorporates our legal requirement with ORNI and our 24 point plan for events taking place in BCC parks. 


An event application is required when:


·         the event is organised by a commercial organiser

·         a large event is planned, i.e. more than 20 applicants

·         the trail is to be closed to members of the public

·         the event is to be held at night


Any events deemed to be sensitive in nature will be brought before Committee for approval. The charges are in line with other trail centres in NI.  It is envisaged that this income will be used to help maintain the trails. Officers will liaise with Legal Services to draft appropriate documentation.




It is recommended that Committee grant approval for the agreements to be entered into.  Officers will liaise with Legal Services to draft appropriate documentation.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: