Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


      The Committee is asked to note that a project to deliver a 3rd generation synthetic turf soccer pitch at Marrowbone Millennium Park is progressing and is scheduled to be complete in early 2014.  The funding for this comprises capital expenditure from Belfast City Council plus funding from both the Department for Culture Arts and Leisure / Sport NI and the Department for Social Development. 


      The facility will be a council asset upon completion and will provide a much needed resource for the local community and the various soccer clubs from the area.  In addition, the facility will be able to meet a range of other needs including increases in participation in physical activity and sport across a range of groupings and will help to support diversionary intervention programmes in tackling anti social behaviour in the area. 


      Normally, 3rd generation facilities are accompanied and supported by ancillary structures such as changing pavilions, however, there is insufficient funding available at this time.  Discussions with the Ardoyne Youth Providers Forum have indicated that there is a proposal to attract funding to support the development of a community building which would incorporate changing facilities.  At this time the proposal is at an embryonic stage and is likely to take considerable time to realise.


      There is an opportunity to provide an interim measure which would help to realise the full potential of the new facility and at the same time reinforce confidence in the local community through further investment. 


      Members may be aware that a temporary changing pavilion has been situated in Cliftonville Playing Fields for the past several years.  As part of the ongoing redevelopment of this site, which will include a preschool building, a primary school building and a 3rd generation synthetic turf pitch, the existing temporary changing pavilion is to be removed.  There is an opportunity to relocate this pavilion to the provide support to the proposed new pitch at Marrowbone. 


      This is an interim measure in advance of a more permanent future solution.  The relocation of the pavilion will require planning approval and installation will cost an estimated £50,000 to take account of its removal, storage, transportation to the site and installation at a future date, subject to the necessary statutory approvals being in place.


2    Key Issues


      The key issue for the Committee is to consider whether it wishes to consent to the relocating of the existing pavilion from Cliftonville Playing Fields to the Marrowbone Millennium Park to support the provision of the new 3G synthetic pitch. 


      The Committee is asked to note that should permission be granted, the facility when removed from its current location, possibly in September 2013, it will be stored until planning approval has been received.


      If Committee does not consent to the relocation of the pavilion to Marrowbone Park, the pavilion will still need to be stored or disposed of. 


3    Resource Implications




      The preliminary estimated cost of the installation and associated removal, transportation, planning application and installation is £50,000 subject to review pending ground surveys.  The cost of moving the pavilion to storage is estimated to be £2,500 and storage itself in the region of £100 per month.  The original cost of the temporary unit was £40,000.


      Human Resources


      There are no additional human resource implications at this time. 


      Asset and Other Implications


      The decision to relocate the changing pavilion will enhance the proposed pitch at the Marrowbone Millennium Park.


4    Recommendations


      The Committee is asked to consider the report and to agree to the relocating of the changing pavilion to Marrowbone Millennium Park and to meet the associated costs.”


The Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: