Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


            “1     Relevant Background Information


The purpose of this report is to inform the Committee of a proposal emerging from discussions between officials from the Department for Social Development and Council Officers regarding the facility at Paisley Park; and to seek Committee authority in relation to progressing the discussions.


Paisley Park is located on the West Circular Road and is owned by the Department for Social Department.  The site contains a number of sporting facilities:


·         A soccer pitch which is a home ground for Albert Foundry and which also contains a small spectator stand;

·         A bowling green and associated pavilion;

·         An artificial turf pitch (Astroturf) and associated prefabricated changing pavilion;

·         A small galvanised building which is used by a local boxing club.


There have been discussions spanning a number of years regarding the future management of the site and its facilities.  Reaching a shared and agreed position has been a challenge for the Department but it would appear that a consensus has now been reached.  The Department has sought the Council’s view on undertaking the maintenance of the site on behalf of the Department.  The Department has asked if the council would be prepared to enter into a service level agreement to undertake this work.


            2       Key Issues


1.    The facilities within the site offers a diverse range of opportunities to take part in physical activity;

2.    The site is well established however it is in need of investment to upgrade the existing facilities and ensure that they remain fit for purpose;

3.    The site will remain under the ownership of the Department and will  be managed through a Joint Committee comprising representatives from the sporting organisations / groups involved with the site as well as the Department and the Council;

4.    The Council has been asked to provide a maintenance schedule and associated costing to maintain the green areas within the site, this excludes the buildings and the artificial pitch; the proposal is that the Department will enter into a service level agreement wherein it would effectively employ the council to undertake the agreed and specified works;

5.    In the context of the wider discussions regarding the transfer of assets under Local Government Reform it is likely that Paisley Park will form part of that discussion and the likelihood is that the asset will transfer to the council under Local Government Reform; this therefore provides an opportunity for the Council to become familiar with the asset and build relationships with the various stakeholders.


            3       Resource Implications


The cost will be met by the Department for Social Department and there will be no additional cost to the Council at this time.


Human Resources


This will increase the workload of staff in the area but it is anticipated that the work can be carried out within existing resources.  The cost of any additional resources would have to be met by the Department.


            4       Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1    There are no equality implications


            5       Recommendations


5.1   The Committee is asked to consider the report and to authorise officers to:


·         Continue to meet with Officials from the Departmental for Social Development;

·         Prepare and cost a maintenance schedule in relation to the grounds of the site;

·         Enter into an appropriate service level agreement with the Department on condition that there is no financial cost to the Council.


            After discussion, during which the Director confirmed that it was not anticipated that the Council would incur any costs in entering into an agreement with the Department for Social Development, the Committee adopted the recommendations.


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