Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.      Relevant Background Information


           As Belfast Zoo was opened on 28 March 1934 by Sir Crawford McCullough, the then Lord Mayor of Belfast, 2014 thus represents the Zoo’s 80th Anniversary.  A range of activities are being planned to celebrate this significant milestone in the Zoo’s history.  These include:


·         Working to create an 80th anniversary sub-brand. This will include a modified logo, modified branded handouts, etc. The aim of this will be to make our celebrations an identifiable entity.


·         The Zoo’s archives are limited, therefore research will be undertaken to successfully build the public relations campaign surrounding the 80th anniversary.  It will be necessary to perform both primary and secondary research to successfully capture visitors’ imaginations and encourage engagement and interaction with the campaign.  Such research will include searches of relevant historical archives, and requests to visitors for historical photographs and anecdotes.


·         Work with NI television companies on the potential for a renewed ‘fly-on-the-wall’ documentary series or a one-off special programme about the history of the Zoo and our work in 2014.


·         Frequent release of information throughout the year. This will help to build momentum and ‘buy-in’ for the campaign. This will involve the initial launch, coverage of celebrations, visitor memories, etc.


·         In conjunction with Corporate Communications, in 2014, the Zoo’s advertising campaign will be based on celebrating the Zoo’s birthday and also on the changes which the Zoo has progressed through, including the brand new play park.


·         Use of a range of e-marketing tools, including Belfast Zoo website, E-newsletter, social media, and onsite screens.  The e-marketing will support the 80th anniversary campaign as part of an integrated communications strategy. Specifically the website will link into the public relations ‘call to action’ and engagement aims, through the following: a memories online form for visitors to submit their stories and photos, a memories page with visitors’ stories, photos, videos, etc, history wallpapers and local celebrity’s and VIP Zoo stories.


·         A semi-permanent exhibition will be developed at a suitable location in the Zoo.  This will be a year-long exhibition ‘80 years of Belfast Zoo’ and will feature the Belfast corporation, opening of Bellevue Zoo in 1934, Bellevue Pleasure Gardens, the Zoo through each decade, the role of a modern Zoo, Floral Hall and famous animal characters.


·         Branded flags at entrance and at the lake area.


·         Items to compliment the 80th anniversary sub-brand will be on sale in the Zoovenir Shop, including old Zoo photos, and a new edition Zoo guide book.

·         The 80th anniversary will be supported with an annual calendar of events which will focus on the Zoo’s heritage/history and also celebrate the current success.


            2.      Key Issues


A range of events and other marketing concepts are being planned as part of the year‘s celebrations.


            3.      Resource Implications




All the activities being planned for the celebrations will be deliverable from annual Zoo revenue budgets.


There are no additional human resources needed at present, though the planning and delivery of the celebrations will increase the workload of staff in the Zoo.


            5.      Recommendation


The Committee is asked to approve in principle the range of activities currently being planned for the Zoo’s 80th celebrations.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Supporting documents: