Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.    Relevant Background Information


         The Council has received a request from St Joseph’s College which is located on the Ravenhill Road and immediately adjacent to Cherryvale Playing Fields.  There are three elements to the request:


1.      The school is requesting permission to create an access gate from the school to the playing fields; Members will note that  the railings are owned by the Belfast Education and Library Board and therefore any cost associated with the works would be met by the school; the key would also be retained by the school and the Council would not have access to the school from the Playing Fields; this would not present any operational issues for the Council;


2.      The school has indicated that it would wish to make better use of the facilities; this would take several forms:


a.      The school wishes to use of the perimeter of the playing fields for running to mimic cross country;

b.     they would also like to use sections of the green space for specific fitness programmes;

c.      The school wishes to obtain greater access to the playing surfaces during week days over the school term; and


         The school has highlighted that it has no grassed surfaces of its own and is largely dependent on access to Cherryvale Playing Fields. 


2.      Key Issues


         There are a number of points to be considered by the Committee:


                                                    i.     The installation of the gate does not affect the operational management of the playing fields and is merely intended to speed up access between the school site and the playing fields; and further minimise the health and safety element of moving pupils between both locations;


                                                  ii.     There will be no cost to the Council;


                                                 iii.     Responsibility for the gate, including opening and closing will be the schools;


                                                 iv.     In relation to the increased access to the playing fields, Members are asked to note that there is no objection to this in principle, however in relation to the use of pitches Members are reminded that the pitches are already heavily used and care must be taken to ensure that the pitches remain sustainable for use by teams fulfilling league fixtures;


                                                   v.     It is important that the local site manager / supervisor is aware of proposals for use of the playing fields.


3.      Resource Implications


         Financial Implications


         There are no additional financial costs.  Through the additional use there is the potentials to generate a small amount of additional income;





         Human Resource Implications


         There are no additional human resource implications at this time.


Asset and Other implications


         There are no significant asset implications at this time, however, the proposal will enable the school to make greater use of the facility.


4.      Equality Implications


         There are no equality implications. 


5.      Recommendations


         The Committee is asked to:


1.      Agree to the installation of a gate to provide access from St Joseph’s college to the Playing Fields at Cherryvale;


2.      Agree in principle to the use of the facilities by St Joseph’s subject to agreement with the local site manager”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: