Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1     Relevant Background Information


         Each year, summer schemes are organised in leisure centres providing aprogramme of sporting and play activities to young people over the months ofJuly and August. 


         In recent years the summer schemes have been a huge success with participation numbers attending in 2013 reaching 19,000.  The 2013 schemes were developed to include four sunrise clubs, one in each area of the City. Six schemes also accepted children from five years of age, (usually eight years of age). 


         In January 2013 Committee approved a report outlining a new approach to pre-registration for the Grove Summer scheme.  The approach prioritised places for local children in front of other Belfast residents and residents outside of the Belfast boundary.   This approach was very successful in that it avoided the need for queues that have been evident in the past. 


         During registration for the 2013 scheme, long queues were evident at Olympia, Ballysillan, Whiterock and Avoniel.  The department received a wide range of feedback on the registration/enrolment for the summer schemes.  A number of complaints were also received regarding queues and communication in relation to enrolment.  Learning from the Grove pre-registration scheme and the feedback from parents will be used to improve the registration/enrolment of summer schemes in 2014. 


2       Key Issues


         The summer schemes listed below indicate the maximum number of places available for 2014.  These are based on facilities at the sites and staff availability.  Charges will be made at a weekly rate, as per 2014/15 scale of charges. 



Number of places available per day

Grove (under 8s)




Whiterock (under 8s)


Avoniel (under 8s)


Olympia(under 8s)




Shankill (under 8s)




Loughside (under 8s)



Coaching Scheme – places vary


         The most popular of the schemes are, Grove (under 8’s), Ballysillan, Whiterock (under 8’s), Avoniel (under 8’s), and Olympia (under 8’s).


         The registration for these five sites will include a pre-registration exercise which will take place on a Saturday at the beginning of May 2014.  Families wishing to register an interest can apply online/by email or at the centre of choice.  Parents can request a place for up to four children.  Following the pre-registration date, staff at the sites will then allocate places on the following basis:


·        Council rate payers (The number of weeks allocated may be restricted to three or four weeks to accommodate more families)

·        If oversubscribed by Belfast residents following restriction in the number of weeks  a random draw of places will take place

·        Remaining places will be offered to residents of other Council areas


         Those successful at pre-registration stage will be invited to attend the centre with the usual proof of address, photographic identification and child’s date of birth to enrol and pay for the scheme.  This is not a first come first served scheme. 


         Enrolment for the remaining schemes will take place on a Saturday at the beginning of June 2014 with the following availability of places. Charges will be made at a weekly rate, as per 2013/14 scale of charges.  These sites will follow a similar pre-registration scheme, giving first preference to Belfast residents and avoiding queues.  The sunrise club, which is a early morning service for children attending the scheme incurs an additional charge and will run at Avoniel, Andersonstown, Ballysillan and Olympia.   


         Free use of Council facilities


         Leisure Services provide quality play, recreation and sporting opportunities for the children of Belfast over the summer holiday period. Free use of swimming pools has been offered in recent years to those community groups which are in receipt of Summer Scheme funding from Community Services, subject to availability.


         Free entrance to the zoo has also been offered to children participating in Leisure Services Summer Schemes and concessionary entrance fees are offered to community groups which are in receipt of Summer Scheme funding     from Community Services, subject to availability.


         Free entrance to the Adventurous playground has also been offered to children participating in Belfast City Council Leisure Centre summer schemes, and free entrance before noon for community group schemes which are in receipt of Summer Scheme funding from Community Services, subject to availability.


         The addition of free entrance to Leisure summer schemes only to the Grove soft Play area is requested for 2014, at off peak times.  This is particularly for the schemes accepting the younger age group of children.


3       Resource Implications




         An allowance of £70,000 is allocated within revenue budgets to support holiday schemes in leisure centres with an anticipated £60,000 projected to be received in income from holiday scheme participants. The excursions for the 2014 will be closely monitored and limited to 1 per week because of the increasing costs associated with transportation and entry fees. 


4       Recommendations


         It is also recommended that Members agree the revised approach to summer scheme registration and agrees also that, as in previous years:


1.     Free swimming, during July and August for community group schemes which are in receipt of summer scheme funding from the Community Services Section, and concessionary entrance fees to the Zoo;


2.     Free entrance to the Zoo in July and August for children participating in Council Leisure Centre summer schemes, and


3.     Free entrance to the adventurous playground in July and August for children participating in Council summer schemes, and free entrance before noon for community group schemes which are in receipt of Summer Scheme funding from the Community Services Section, subject to availability.


         It is recommended also that leisure schemes only can access free use of the soft play area at the Grove.” 


            After discussion, during which the Assistant Director provided the Members with an overview of the proposals and answered a range of associated queries, the Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: