Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.Relevant Background Information


         The Committee is reminded that at its meeting in August 2010 it was asked to consider placing the former Skegoniel Health Centre Site within the Council’s Corporate Land Bank.  The Committee agreed to this however, the matter was taken back at Council and reconsidered by the Committee in September 2010.  At the time it was agreed that alternative uses of the land would be explored. 


         Members are reminded that as part of the partnership arrangement with the North and West Trust relating to the development of the New Grove Wellbeing Centre it had been agreed that the site of the former Skegoniel Health Centre would revert to the Council upon completion of the scheme and relocation of the Health Centre within the new Grove Health and Well Being Centre.


         The current position is that the former Health Centre site now sits under the management of Parks and Leisure.  The site has remained derelict and unused and in 2013 it became the location for a small bonfire in the area. 


         Whilst the site is alongside the Playing Fields there is a difference in the levels and access between the two sites would be limited unless some re-grading was undertaken along the boundary between the sites.   Members are asked to note that there are no conditions attached to the transfer of the land and there is no requirement that it be retained or developed as open space. 


         Should the site continue to be retained by Parks and Leisure there are two options:


1.    The site remains as is without development; and

2.    The site is developed as a discrete location.


         A series of options have been discussed.  There is the potential to develop the site:


1.    As a playground;

2.    As a multi user games area;

3.    As a community garden;

4.    As an outdoor gym area;

5.    As a landscaped area


         Depending on the nature and extent of the proposal, costs could vary from £100,000 to £250,000.  These items would all constitute capital projects and would be subject to prioritisation and approval through SP&R. 


         Within the context of the current affordability limits one alternative would be to declare the site surplus to the operational requirements of the Parks and Leisure Department and that it be transferred to the Council’s corporate land bank (managed by Property and Projects Department, Estates Management Unit) wherein any potential use by other Council Departments would be considered and a planning assessment could be carried out to consider development options. 


2.      Key Issues


         The key issues for the Committee to consider are:


·        The former Skegoniel Health Centre Site has been acquired by the Council as part of the arrangement with the North and West Trust.  The site has no restrictions attached to its transfer.


·        The Parks and Leisure Department has considered development options for Park use and has concluded there is no operational need for the site and that the Department do not have the resources to develop it.


·        It is therefore proposed that it be placed within the corporate land bank for consideration of options re future development potential. 


3.      Resource Implications


         Financial Implications


         There are no additional financial costs to the Council at this stage.  Potential savings of development costs to provide alternative Parks and Leisure use are provided within the body of this report.  The potential financial implications arising from any alternative use are not known at this time.




         Asset and Other implications


         The transfer of the asset would enable a wider range of options to be considered which might enable the site to be developed. 


4.      Equality Implications


         There are no equality implications. 


5.      Recommendations


         It is recommended that the Committee agrees to declare the former Skegoniel Health Centre Site surplus to Parks and Leisure Departmental requirements and further agree that a report be brought to Strategic Policy & Resources Committee in line with Standing Orders”.


            The Committee agreed to adopt the recommendation, subject to the approval of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.


Supporting documents: