Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


         Over the last number of years officers have been working on a phased approach to cemetery and crematorium development in the city.  This has been based on an analysis of available data, trend information and the development of a robust plan to meet current and future service requirements.  Members will also be aware that since the process to identify new burials grounds began the Council has acquired additional land at Roselawn and it is estimated that at the current rate of burial there is sufficient land available to cater for the burial needs of Belfast for the next 35 years approximately.


         As part of the approach to cemetery and crematorium development we have been engaged in a process to identify a site for development as a new cemetery.  Members will be aware that discussions have been ongoing around a potential site at Dundrod. 


         The site at Dundrod came to the Council through an expression of interest exercise which the Council initiated.  This site was put forward by an agent acting on behalf of a business man who holds an option on the site.  Officers from the Parks and Leisure Department, Legal Services and the Estates Management Unit have held a number of meetings with the party who holds an option on the site along with their agent.  The Council is aware of who the landowners are but at this point have had no direct dealings with them. 


2       Key Issues


         Initial testing carried out on the Dundrod site showed that the site has some potential for use as a cemetery but that further more detailed Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 hydro-geological tests are required to establish with greater certainty the amount of land available on the site for burial purposes.  Prior to undertaking these tests it was agreed that due to their cost it would be advisable to first undertake a number of further feasibility studies on the site. 


         These were:


·        Hydrogeological Assessment of Land for Cemetery Development prepared by McLorinan Consulting Ltd

·        Lands at Dundrod – Stage 1&2 Planning Report’ prepared by Fleming Mounstephen Planning

·        As assessment of the sight lines required at the proposed site entrance which was prepared in house.


         These studies have shown that there remain issues with the site, several of which have the potential to make the site unsuitable for development as a new cemetery and thus require further investigation.  Of particular concern are:


·        Roads Service has advised that the provision of suitable access arrangement to the site appeared on preliminary review to be potentially problematic.  The Roads Service would require the provision of a right turn filter lane at the site.  This would require the re-engineering of the roadway.


·        A secondary access at Carnaghliss Road would almost certainly be unacceptable to Roads Service except as an ‘emergency access’.  The main entrance to the site is on the Ulster Grand Prix circuit and the provision of  a secondary access during race week is thus a key requirement.  


·        Ensuring sufficient sight lines at the main entrance would be available without the need to acquire additional land from other landowners.


         The findings of the feasibility studies outlined above were shared with the option holder and they have commissioned their own advice to consider the findings.  The option holder has now come back to the Council with their interpretation of the findings and has suggested possible solutions to the issues that have been identified with the site.  Our initial assessment is that it remains uncertain whether the access solutions proposed will meet Council and Roads Service requirements.  Given the level of engagement that has taken place around this site and to satisfy ourselves, it is proposed that we undertake further work to get clarity around the sight lines and access issues.   It is proposed that we commission an expert to do detailed drawings of the sight lines and to determine what options for a viable secondary access exist at the site.  As part of this piece of work the expert will be asked to consult with both Planning and Roads Services.  


         In addition to the concerns around access there are also potential hydro-geological issues with the site and additional ground investigations are required.  These include deeper trial pits and boreholes across the site which would need to be monitored for 1-2 months.  It is proposed that this work be undertaken after we have undertaken the work around the provision of potentially suitable sight lines and secondary access, subject to this work providing us with satisfactory solutions to the sight lines and access issues.


         Members are also asked to note that Tier 2/3 hydrogeological tests will still be required to be undertaken at the site but these will not be undertaken until after the Council takes a position on the viability of the site based on the additional work proposed.


3       Resource Implications




         The development of a new cemetery is currently a Stage I emerging project in the Council’s capital programme.


         We anticipate that the cost of the work around the sight lines and secondary access will fall within the Council’s quotation limits. It is anticipated that the additional ground investigations will be in region of £35,000 and if Members agree to this work being undertaken it will be procured through a tender exercise.  Committee is asked to note that the tender will be evaluated on both cost and quality criteria and the most economically advantageous will be awarded.


         Asset and Other Implications


         None at this stage although the final phases of the project will inevitably increase the Council’s land ownership and associated liabilities.


4       Recommendations


         Members are asked to:


(i)         Agree to commission an expert to do detailed drawings of the sight lines and to determine what options for a viable secondary access exist at the site;

(ii)       Subject to the findings of the above, commission additional ground investigations at the site including deeper trail pits and bore holes across the entire site; and

(iii)      Authorise the Director, under the Scheme of Delegation, to award the successful tender in respect of the ground investigations and in respect of the access arrangements should these exceed quotation limits.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations as set out and agreed that approval be sought from the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to meet the funding associated with the investigation from within the Capital Programme Feasibility Fund.  It was also noted that a report on the outcome of the process would be submitted for the Committee’s consideration at its meeting in April.