Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.    Relevant Background Information


         The purpose of this report is to inform the Committee of an emerging proposal from Seaview Enterprises in respect of Council owned land at Loughshore. The land in question is the site of the Loughside Recreation Centre and associated football pitches at Loughside, which is adjacent to Shore Road / Mount Vernon.  Clearly at this stage of the Leisure Transformation Programme no decision has been taken about the future of the Recreation Centre.


         Members may be aware that the Department of Education has recently released a call for expressions of interest in respect of its Shared Education Campuses Programme.  This is part of the wider ‘Together: Building a United Community’ initiative from the First Minister / Deputy First Minister. 


         A preliminary meeting between Council Officers and representatives from Seaview Enterprises (SE) has indicated that it wishes to make application to the programme for funding to deliver a ‘Shared Campus’.  To do SE has identified the Loughshore site as its preferred location and has asked for the Council’s support in a number of ways:


1.     To agree in principle to lease land to SE to enable the project to proceed; and

2.     To be a partner to the bid and participate in the development of the bid and the project moving forward


         The indicative scheme includes a 5,000 seat stadium, however, at this time; this is not included in the proposal going forward to Department of Education, although the proposal will include the provision of a 3G artificial turf pitch.


2.      Key Issues


         There are a number of issues which members may wish to consider at this time;


1.     This project is at a very early stage in development;

2.     The proposal cannot proceed without the land;

3.     At this stage, detail regarding the terms and conditions of the funding are not known;

4.     Based on the guidance notes accompanying the call for expressions of interest there is no requirement at this time in relation to security of tenure;

5.     The proposal presents a potential opportunity to secure funding which would enable an existing sport and leisure facility to be regenerated and offer potential benefits to the wider community in North Belfast;


3.      Resource Implications


         Asset and Other Implications


         The proposal presents an opportunity to regenerate the site within similar existing land use parameters and would provide additional modern facilities to support programmes for the local community.


5.      Recommendations


         The Committee is asked to give consideration to agreeing to authorising Officers to represent the Council on a Project Board to progress the bid to Expression of Interest Stage with a view to the potential use of the existing land at Loughside Recreation Centre to facilitate the proposal;”


            During discussion, a Member expressed concern that the plan which had been formulated by Seaview Enterprises had been placed within the public domain prior to it being considered by the Council.  Concern was expressed also that the current users of the facility, together with Loughside Boys’ Football Club, had not been consulted in respect of the plans and it was suggested that the proposers would undertake to rectify this matter. 


            After discussion, during which the Director undertook to write to representatives of Loughside Boys’ Football Club in respect of the proposals, the Committee adopted the recommendation as set out within the report.


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