Agenda item


(Ms. C. Wilson, Neighbourhood and Development Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.Background Information


1.1    At its meeting in August 2013, the Committee was provided with information on the number and location of events which had been held in Council parks over the past five years.


1.2    Members noted that large-scale commercial operators tended to favour a small number of locations, namely Boucher Road Playing Fields and Botanic Gardens. At that meeting, Committee agreed that a proposal be developed to establish a number of strategic arts partnerships, in order to build a commercial market for alternative locations across the city.


2.      Key Issues


2.1    Following analysis, there are a number of perceived barriers deterring commercial operators from holding events in parks and open spaces:


·        Capacity is a primary determinant in deciding where a promoter will stage an event.  For example, events such as Tenants Vital require capacity in excess of 45,000 – only available at the Boucher Road Playing Fields.  Capacity operates on multiple levels; audience capacity; car parking for audience and participants; accessible /egress capacity;


·        Neighbourhood: the prospect of having to deal with potential complaints about noise or event disruption issues can be off putting for commercial operators;


·        Facilities: These can be within the park itself in terms of toilet provision but this can be addressed with additional temporary facilities being provided. Car parking can be more difficult to address at times;


·        Security: This in relation to perceived safety of audience members arriving/leaving events and potential vandalism to property such as cars;


·        Financial cost coupled with misconceptions about public accountability i.e. ‘bureaucracy’ can deter commercial operators from using a council facility.


2.3    It is acknowledged that the issues listed above also relate to hosting city centre-based events and that working with the community, the relevant parks/outreach managers have delivered many successful events in neighbourhoods across the city.


2.4    Examining best practice from other local authorities, the issues are not insurmountable and the promotion of commercial events in parks across the city may be supported by the following:


·        The development and targeted distribution of a commercial prospectus for distribution to a range of event promoters and organisers positively promoting the use of Belfast Parks for events e.g. corporate prospectus containing details on capacity of all parks and support available.


·        Delivering large-scale (5,000+) demonstration arts/cultural events as high-quality, family–orientated cultural events across the city (N, S, E and W), showcasing the range of opens spaces to attract commercial operators.


·        Engagement with Translink to encouraging sustainable modes of transport such as the provision of park and ride facilities


·        Incentivisation/promotion of particular parks outside of city centre e.g. reduced hire rates or grant-aid to commercial operators.  Potential for joint promotion with the City Events Unit of the availability/suitability of parks and open spaces for events that move between major cities. 


·        Develop the criteria for the park grants funds to enable events to be sustainable year on year and more evenly spread across the city e.g. a higher score for working with partners; using under-used parks.


2.5    In line with the commitments outlined within the Investment Programme 2012-2015, it is proposed that further discussions are undertaken with the City Events Unit, Development Department to develop a corporate prospectus to bring forward some of these proposals. 


2.6    In advance of this, it is suggested that Committee considers the potential to financially support a number of strategic arts demonstration events for the delivery of high-quality, large-scale (5,000+), family–orientated cultural events across the city.  The purpose of this would be to build capacity across a diverse range of sites for these large-scale events, as well as demonstrate to commercial operators the viability of these locations.


2.7    The Council established successful arrangements with the Belfast Festival at Queen’s and Mela in 2013.  These operate at minimal cost to the public.  Both events were well-received by audiences and significantly add to the attractiveness of the Council’s parks and open spaces.


2.8    To assist Members’ ambition to spread large-scale events across the city, and as a condition of financial support, it is proposed that Mela 2014 is requested to develop a programme of outreach events whereby they deliver ‘taster’ events in 3 other parts of the city.  Transport would be made available to these parts of the city to allow people to travel to Botanic Gardens for the main event in August at no cost.  Similarly, it is proposed that officers engage with the Belfast Festival at Queen’s to encourage them to consider using an alternative venue to Botanic Gardens.


2.9    As part of an agreement with the two groups, a series of targets for participation, outreach and sponsorship would be set.  The evaluation of these events will be used to inform the development of a corporate prospectus for commercial operators.  It is anticipated that both of these initiatives will contribute to build a commercial market for alternative locations across the city. 


3.      Resource Implications



         A fund of £40,000 has been provided for large-scale cultural events within revenue budgets for 2014/15. There may be overtime required by staff to assist with the management of the proposed events which would be met by the Council.


         Asset and Other Implications

         The Legal Agreement will include a Bond Of Reinstatement  (£1000) to ensure minimal impact on Council property, provided by the partner organisations


4.      Recommendations


·        To authorise officers to initiate discussions with Mela 2014 (Artsekta) and the Belfast Festival at Queen’s to agree the conditions of financial support for 2014, as outlined above

·        Agree to support Mela 2014 (Artsekta) and the Belfast Festival at Queen’s up to £20,000 each, subject to conditions agreed

·        Agree to receive a future report on a ‘corporate prospectus’ for parks and opens spaces.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations, subject to the Department undertaking discussions with organisations which delivered festivals in Belfast with a view to enhancing their involvement in the outreach initiatives associated with the Mela and the Belfast Festival at Queen’s. It was noted that a further report in respect of the development of this approach with other arts and culture organisations across the City would be submitted in due course.


Supporting documents: