Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.Relevant Background Information


      In June 2013 Committee considered a request from De La Salle School for the development of land at Slievegallion Drive.  The school approached the Council with a proposal for the redevelopment of the Council’s land at Slievegallion Drive to provide a school/community facility potentially comprising a full size GAA pitch, a smaller training pitch and a pavilion/small stand for use by the school and its three feeder primary schools during school hours and by the local community out of school hours.


      The school indicated that they were seeking a long lease (25-50 years) for the land at Slievegallion Drive from the Council in order to secure the funding required for their proposals.


      Committee agreed to officers progressing discussions with De La Salle school with a view to exploring the most appropriate arrangement (including leasing options) for the redevelopment of the informal open space at Slievegallion Drive, with a further report to be brought to Committee. Discussions were to include:


·    Details of the schools business model in terms of costs and income producing capacity

·    Public access arrangements

·    Partnership or leasing arrangements to ensure ongoing wider community use

·    Sources of funding to redevelop the site.

      The site does not form part of the Pitches Strategy and there is currently no identified funding in the Capital Programme for the development of this land.


2.   Key Issues


§  Officers have engaged with De La Salle School to discuss their proposal and arrangements for use of the land. This has not progressed to the point where officers can report on the business model, access arrangements, leasing arrangements and sources of funding.


§  De La Salle School undertook the community consultation and engagement for the project.


§  Following the initial engagement with residents, proposals were changed by the school and further consultation was then undertaken by them.


§  Local residents have approached the Council with concerns about the proposed development and the level of consultation to date.


§  Residents were concerned that a Planning application has been submitted for the development of the site.


§  Residents raised particular concerns about why the Council, as land owner, has not consulted the local community about the use of the land.


§  Concerns were raised about the nature and extent of the consultation with a view that it was not inclusive of all residents and that feedback on issues raised has not been provided by the school.


§  Residents were concerned about the loss of amenity as this is the only open space available to them in a densely built up area.


§  Residents have formed a Residents Group in October 2013 around the issue.


§  Residents were seeking assurance from Council that formal consultation would take place with the local community about the use of the land.


3.   Resource Implications



      No financial implications at this stage.


      Human Resources



      Asset and Other Implications

      None at this stage.


4.   Recommendations


      Members are asked to consider the request by residents representing the Slievegallion/Glassmullan area that Council undertakes a consultation with the local community about the use of the land at Slievegallion Park.”


            A Member indicated that the Member of Parliament for West Belfast, Mr P. Maskey, was in the process of facilitating a community consultation in order to resolve outstanding issues in respect of the proposal.  Accordingly, the Member suggested that it would be prudent to defer consideration of the matter to enable those consultations to be concluded.


The Assistant Director indicated that work had commenced corporately on the development of a formal framework which would be used to oversee future community consultations and which would be presented to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in due course. A Member suggested that a Committee site visit might be required in order to acquaint Members with the layout of the site and the impact of the proposal.


After discussion, the Committee agreed to defer consideration of the matter to enable the local Member of Parliament to facilitate the community consultation process as outlined.


Supporting documents: