Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.    Background Information


         2013 was the 50th anniversary of CS Lewis, his anniversary was celebrated very extensively with festivals, art projects, and community projects and involved a wide range of community and statutory bodies, in particular East Belfast Partnership Board.  The Friends of Belmont Park are very eager to acknowledge Belmont Park’s importance in Lewis’ life by creating a permanent art installation which would be based on the Chronicles of Narnia. Lewis’ family home was in close proximity to Belmont park, Belmont Park is the area where we imagine he would have played and taken inspiration for his wonderful and fantastical stories.


         The Friends of Belmont Park was formed by passionate individuals who reside locally and who see the further potential for enjoyment, inclusion and interaction within their park. Parks staff have worked extensively with Friends of Belmont Park over the past number of years and developed the park significantly with their help and guidance. The purpose of this report is to outline the proposed programme of art installations and to seek Committee support to explore funding opportunities.


2.      Key Issues


         The Friends of Belmont Park along with council officers’ aim to celebrate the heritage of the past through the link between CS Lewis’ well known literary works and the locality, to create a unique experience in the present that has longevity through the legacy it will leave for future park users.


         This proposed programme will consist of a number of large art installations, to include:


§    Public art piece at Belmont Playground

           Friends of Belmont and council officers hope to generate discussion, interest and ownership of this large art project. Their aim is to develop a project within the playground that will engage with park users and children, allowing the local community to input ideas with a visual artist to create a mural.


Estimates Costs- Project £3000 - £5000

§    Carved wooden sleigh and wicker reindeer

The sleigh first appeared in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe when Edmund found his way through the back of the wardrobe and stumbled upon a sleigh being drawn by two reindeer, driven by a small dwarf, whose passenger was Queen Jadis.


Estimates Costs - Carved Wooden Sleigh - £3500

                   - Wicker Reindeer - £2000


§    Vintage solar powered Lantern, bronze umbrella and parcels

The lantern first appeared in The Magician’s Nephew when it grew from an iron bar from a London lamppost. The fully grown lamppost was a feature in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe when Lucy met the Faun, Mr Tumnus for the first time as he pitter pattered through the snow carrying his umbrella and parcels.


Estimates Costs- Vintage Lantern - £1000

- Bronze umbrella, small and large parcels - £5700


§    Small sculpture art trail

The development of 8-10 small scale sculptures to culminate in the creation of an arts historical trail within Belmont park. These small sculptures can take the form of many significant aspects of the chronicles, for example; Mr and Mrs Beaver (The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe); Atlantean box containing uncle Andrew’s rings (The Magician’s Nephew) ; Aslan shaped as the small cat that saved and accompanied Shasta (The Horse and his boy).


Estimates Costs- £300 - £3000 per sculpture


§    Stone cast lion

The Lion will symbolise Aslan, who with a song created Narnia. When the grass had rolled over the hills like a wave, arms of the trees rose from the earth like spikes and animals appeared from swollen humps in the ground Aslan exclaimed ‘Narnia, Narnia Narnia, awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beats. Be divine waters.’


Estimates Costs- Stone lion £3000 - £10000

         This programme will involve the local community, schools and park users to create art pieces that enhance the natural environment and are of benefit to park users, promoting and developing a visitor experience that is unique to our local parks.


3.   Resource Implications



         The estimated cost for this project is £45,000. The project costs will be finalised when funding is applied for.


Human Resources

         There are no human resource implications attached to this report.


Asset and Other Implications

         The life span of the final art pieces will vary and be dependent on the materials used and the effects of outside elements over the years.


4.      Recommendations


         Committee is asked to support, in principle, the proposed programme of art installations in Belmont Park subject to funding being secured for the programme.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: