Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report.


“1       Background Information

           Members will be aware that as part of the approach to cemetery and crematorium development we have been engaged in a process to identify a site for development as a new cemetery and that discussions have been ongoing around a potential site at Dundrod. 


           The site at Dundrod came to the Council through an expression of interest exercise which the Council initiated.  This site was put forward by an agent acting on behalf of a business man who holds an option on the site.  Officers from the Parks and Leisure Department, Legal Services and the Estates Management Unit have held a number of meetings with the party who holds an option on the site along with their agent.  The Council is aware of who the landowners are but at this point have had no direct dealings with them. 


2         Key Issues

           At its meeting in January 2014 the Committee agreed the following:

·        Agree to commission an expert to do detailed drawings of the sight lines and to determine what options for a viable secondary access exist at the site;

·        Subject to the findings of the above, commission additional ground investigations at the site including deeper trial pits and bore holes across the entire site; and

·        Authorise the Director, under the Scheme of Delegation, to award the successful tender in respect of the ground investigations and in respect of the access arrangements should these exceed quotation limits.


           Officers are currently in the process of commissioning the first set of tests and we would hope to bring a report detailing the findings to Member in June 2014.


           The option holder has also commissioned work around the site suitability.  A letter has been received from Strategic Planning, on behalf of Carston Undertakings Limited requesting the opportunity to make a presentation to the Committee at its June meeting.  In summary Strategic Planning have asked permission for a delegation to attend the meeting to make a 10 minute presentation, to inform the Members of the rationale behind the project and the possible options going forward.  They have also indicated that they will be happy to respond to any questions that Members may have.  It should be noted that officers are in discussion with the option holder to clarify his relationship with Carston Undertakings Limited. The delegation would be made up of representatives from the various consultancies that the option holder has commissioned to work on this project, including Strategic Planning, MRA Traffic Consultants, Park Hood Landscape Architects and PwC.  


3         Resource Implications



           The development of a new cemetery is currently a Stage I emerging project in the Council’s capital programme.


           Asset and Other Implications

           None at this stage although the final phases of the project will inevitably increase the Council’s land ownership and associated liabilities.


4         Equality and Good Relations Implications


           There are currently no equality or good relation implications however this will continue to be reviewed as the project is developed.


5         Recommendations


           Members are asked to consider the request and determine whether they want to accede to the request from Strategic Planning.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to accede to the request from Strategic Planning and agreed that Members of both Councils would be invited to attend.


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