Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.    Relevant Background Information


         The Committee is reminded that the Council secured funding from Department of Culture Arts and Leisure and Department for Social Development (Belfast Regeneration Office) to support the delivery of a 3rd generation artificial turf pitch at Marrowbone Millennium Park.   Members will be aware that the Council has also contributed towards the project.  The project is now complete and management arrangements are now in place.


         As recipient of the funding the asset will remain under Council ownership and will be managed by Council staff.  However, Members are asked to note that within the terms and conditions of the funding from Sport NI, the Council is required to work with representatives from the Community, in this case the Ardoyne Youth Providers Forum, and to review the management model after 18 months to determine whether a more community based delivery model could be developed and an appropriate legal agreement entered into.  At this time it is not clear what this arrangement would be, whether it would be in the form of a lease or some other management arrangement, the actual mechanism will be determined through the review and will require further discussion with Sport NI and the Forum.    


         There are several elements to the management of a facility such as Marrowbone.  These include:


1.      Routine and operational maintenance of the surface and ancillary structures such as the fencing and floodlighting;

2.      The opening and closing of the facility

3.      The management of bookings including taking of payments; and

4.      The development of a sports development programme to maximise the use and of the asset and its benefits in terms of participation levels 


2.      Key Issues


         The key issues for the Committee to note is that the Council is required as part of the terms and conditions of funding from SportNI to review the management arrangements in relation to Marrowbone 3G artificial turf pitch and to work with the Ardoyne Youth Providers Forum to help support the Forum to build their capacity in relation to the potential management of the asset in the future.  To meet the requirement Officers will form a small group to support the Forum over the next 18 months.


         The Department will take the lead in the management of the asset at this time.The purpose of this report is to outline to the Committee the approach to be taken over the next 18 months in advance of a review of the management model in relation to this facility. 


         Preliminary discussions have been held with representatives from the Ardoyne Youth Providers Forum including local sports clubs from the area.  It is proposed that a capacity building group comprising Council Officers; representatives from the Forum; and a representative from Sport NI will form the core of the group moving towards a review in 18 months.  Local elected representatives will be invited to attend meetings.  The purpose of this group will be to build the necessary capacity to enable community management of the asset. 


         At this time it is anticipated that primary focus of this work will be to deliver a sports development plan as required by Sport NI within the terms and conditions of the funding agreement.  Active Communities Coaches will engage with local sports clubs; youth clubs; schools and other organisations particularly those involved with underrepresented groups to promote the facility, encourage its use and develop the capacity within the community to deliver and sustain a wide ranging programme of activities around this new asset.  The Youth providers Forum will have a key role to play in this process.


         Members are assured that the future transfer of any responsibilities associated with this particular asset must be carried out to the satisfaction of the Council and will require an appropriate legal and monitoring framework to be in place. 


3.      Resource Implications

         While there are no additional human resource implications Members are asked to note that this will require ongoing Officer involvement from Parks and Leisure as well as officers from other Departments. 


         Asset and Other Implications

         The approach outlined will promote greater responsibility for the asset within the Community and will help develop the capacity and confidence of the local community.  It will also support higher levels of use of the asset from a range of groups. 


4.      Equality Implications

         There are no equality implications.


5.      Recommendations

         The Committee is asked to note the report.”


            Arising from discussion, the Director agreed to clarify for a Member the Council’s current position regarding the charging for the use of public toilets on parks managed properties.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.


Supporting documents: