Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.Background Information


1.1    The Department has received a request from MCD Productions to use the playing fields at Boucher Road for a minimum of two and maximum of three shows between 21 and 25 Aug 2014. MCD are the promoters behind a number of UK and Ireland top music festivals and held a similar event in the playing fields in August 2012 and 2013.


      Although the acts for the concerts have not yet been confirmed it is proposed that they will be top international acts.  It is estimated that each concert will have a capacity of 45,000 plus staff.


2.   Key Issues


      The Council wishes to promote the city and the use of its parks and open spaces and in line with the council’s events policy will permit the use of these facilities for large events and concerts. A review of the event in August 2013 has been carried out to assess delivery and to identify areas for improvement. The review was attended by Council officers, the promoter and all agencies involved in the delivery of the event.


      The noise issues which arose in 2012 were significantly reduced in 2013 due to improvements in noise management and stage set up. Given the scale and nature of the events proposed it cannot be guaranteed that noise disturbance will be completely eliminated and in this regard it is important that all concerts finish by 11.00pm.


      The promoter will require 12 days before the first concert for set up and 5 days after the final concert to take down and tidy up.  The promoter is proposing to protect grass surfaces with industry standard covering as used at Croke Park and Aviva Stadia. The promoter will be required to carry out proper reinstatement of the grounds therefore a bond of reinstatement will be paid by the promoter prior to the event.


      It is estimated that each concert will have a capacity of 45,000 plus staff, traffic management and flow of people to and from the concert will be a key aspect of planning the event. Discussions between the promoters, MCD Productions and council officers has highlighted the potential need to use the car park at Olympia Leisure Centre as a taxi pick up point after the concert and to use the grounds around Strangford Playing Fields as a contingency for overflow parking.


      The promoter will be required to liaise with the Community Parks Manager, the Events team, Building Control, Environmental Health, PSNI, Roads Service and emergency services to produce an Event management plan for council’s approval.


      A fee of £20,000 per concert has been offered by the promoter to be paid in advance. Officers have assessed the offer and consider it to be value for money based on market rates and the indirect income this will generate for the city in terms of hotels bookings, taxi hire and restaurant use.  The event will disrupt bookings of pitches however it is anticipated that these bookings can be accommodated at other sites.


3.   Resource Implications




·        a fee for the use of the site - ­£20,000 is proposed per concert;

·        a bond of intent to be paid to the council which would be retained in the event of a concert being cancelled; and

·        full ground reinstatement cost to be met by the promoter, subject to a bond.


      Human Resources

      It is envisaged that any additional staff costs will be met by the fee charged. This is an important event that will add to the profile of the city. Measures will be taken by the organiser to protect the grounds and any damage to grounds will be reinstated within specified timescales.


4.   Recommendations


      To grant authority to MCD to hold up to 3 concerts at Boucher Road Playing Fields between 21 and 25 Aug 2014, subject to satisfactory terms in line with the above being agreed with the Director and on condition that:


·        the event organisers resolve all operational issues to the council’s satisfaction;

·        an appropriate legal agreement is completed, to be prepared by the Town Solicitor; and

·        the organisers meeting all statutory requirements including entertainment licensing.”


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendations and noted that the Director would review the use of Council staff at the event and in particular liaise with the Health and Environmental Services Department to establish if any Community Safety staff had been deployed to last year’s event. 


Supporting documents: