Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.      Background Information


     Within the grounds of Roselawn Cemetery are 13,000 trees which have been planted since the introduction of the memorial tree scheme in 1977. Every tree is owned by a specific person and over 95% of the memorial trees have at least one set of cremated remains buried around their base.


     In March 2014 Northern Ireland Electricity arranged a site visit with the Cemeteries and Crematorium Manager and the Woodland Officer. During this site visit it was established that approximately 50 Memorial Trees had been planted directly under overhead electricity cables and that their branches were now growing up to and through the overhead cables causing problems to the wires and electric supply. Pruning of these trees could be carried out by the NIE, however it would not be sufficient to entirely eliminate the problems and re-pruning would be required every 5 years.  Also of concern is a risk to the public of shorting across the wires and trees e.g. if trees are climbed there would be a serious risk of electrocution. Warning signs have now been erected by the Department informing the public of the danger of overhead live electricity cables and instructing them not to climb the trees.


     In addition during periods of high winds and rain the trees pose the threat of loss of supply and shorting.  In February 2014 a tree came down at Roselawn resulting in loss of power for 4 hours.  The trees concerned are Memorial Trees and therefore there is a need for great sensitivity around their existence and location. NIE recognise this and have suggested a permanent resolution; namely that the overhead cables are re-laid underground.


2.  Key Issues


     NIE have offered to be responsible for both the works and cost of re-laying the overhead cables underground.  The location of the areas affected is from Ryan Park to the gas tanks and in Section W the dump area alongside Lake 2.


     NIE are proposing the following works:


·        Terminating the existing overhead line at a revised position for HV pole 15/225 on the cemetery’s border

·        The supply and installation of an 11KV underground cable system from this point, to run south to a new pole position

·        The removal of the existing overhead line between HV poles 15/225 to 12/225

·        The erection of a new pole at position (B)

·        The termination of the existing overhead line at HV pole location 9A/225 (with necessary stay wire arrangements)

·        The installation of an 11kV underground cable system from this point to a new HV pole at location (C) (with necessary stay wire arrangements).

·        The removal of the existing overhead line between HV poles 9a/225 to C.


     NIE are requesting that Belfast City Council Parks and Leisure Department accept responsibility for providing suitable trenches for the underground cabling. The depth and width of the cable trenches must be a minimum 750mm deep x 600mm wide, any bends not exceeding 45 degrees.


     NIE are asking that the Parks and Leisure Department accept responsibility for the provision of all joint holes together with the provision of soft bedding (quarry dust), quarry blinding and backfilling. The trench should be fully excavated ahead of the agreed date of the installation of the underground cable. Re-instatement of the trench must immediately follow installation of the underground cable.


     NIE and the Council Contractor will be required to submit the following information on the work proposed to the Memorial Tree areas concerned


·        Details of the exact route of the trenches in the areas involved - NIE

·        Proof of relevant permissions and authorisations including Wayleaves - NIE

·        Details for a legal permit to work on site - NIE

·        Appropriate HAS information and risk assessments – NIE and Contractor

·        Approved working methods and schedule of works – NIE and Contractor

·        Insurance information including public liability – NIE and Contractor

·        Timing of works – NIE and Contractor

·        Erection of information signage for the visiting public – NIE

·        Public liability insurance – NIE and Contractor

·        That NIE supply suitable warning tape at the time of installation of the underground cable


     The NIE will be reminded that Roselawn Cemetery is a very busy site and an open Cemetery and the works scheduled will have to accommodate adjacent earth burials, burial of cremated remains at memorial trees and respect for the privacy of the visiting public to nearby graves and Memorial Trees. Similarly the closing down of the electricity to the site will also need to be planned so as not to infringe on the working hours of the cemetery and crematorium.


     There are a few trees in the Lake 2 area beside and under the overhead cables which are not Memorial Trees and these may be pruned/felled by NIE once the bird nesting season is over.


3.  Resource Implications




     The costs to Belfast City Council will be for the provision of a mechanical digger and driver and the purchase of the quarry dust, quarry blinding and the provision of all joint holes.  Costs to the Council are estimated to be in the region of £10,000 and will be accommodated in the budget for the department.  There are no additional costs identified at this time, and NIE are not proposing to charge the Council any fees.


     Human Resources


     Council officers from the Property and Projects Department (Estates Management Unit), and Parks and Leisure Department will liaise with the NIE organisers in relation to the proposed works and the planned closure of supply to the site and the completion of appropriate Wayleave Agreements.




     The work will reduce the risk to the public of electrocution as a result of the re-laying of the overhead live cables to some memorial trees, and reduce the risk of trees causing power supply failure during periods of strong winds. The visual amenity of the site will be improved by the removal of some runs of overhead cables and poles and the locations of the proposed underground cables and associated Wayleave Agreements result in no greater impact on the property asset than presently exists.


4.  Equality Implications


     There are no equality or good relations issues at present



5.  Recommendations


     Members are asked to approve the request from NIE to carry out the realignment/re-engineering of the overhead electricity line crossing Roselawn Cemetery subject to:


1.     That NIE works organisers resolve all operational and other issues to the Council’s satisfaction including the impact of temporary power loss upon operation of the plant and equipment within the crematorium and retention of sufficient electricity supply capacity to the site following completion of the works.

2.     That NIE take in to account the roots of the adjacent Memorial Trees when planning the trench route so that they are not damaged during any excavation works

3.     The appropriate Wayleave Agreements are in place prior to commencement of site works.

4.     That NIE meets all the statutory requirements including Health and Safety and licensing.

5.     Sensitivities and respect for burials, graves, memorial trees and the visiting public are observed.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: