Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


            The 2013/2014 improvement works were complete by the end of March 2014 resulting in the following playgrounds being transformed;


·         Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park

·         New Lodge

·         Clara Street

·         Dover Street

·         Taughmonagh

·         Michelle Baird Memorial


            A total investment of £740k improved accessibility and play value at each of the sites, providing new inclusive equipment, safety surfacing, boundary fencing, site furniture and landscaping works.


            Members are also reminded that in June 2013 Committee agreed to a one year refurbishment programme at the following playground sites during this financial year:


·         Stewart Street

·         Queen Mary’s Gardens

·         Carnamore

·         Lemberg Street

·         Falls Park

·         Cherryvale Playing Fields.


            These sites were prioritised using independent inspections carried out by ‘Play Services Ireland’ in April 2013. A quality score for all 78 playgrounds was based on European safety standards BS EN 1176 & 1177. Inspection reports also continue to identify and prioritise repairs to existing equipment for ongoing maintenance purposes.


            As in previous years Community Park Managers and Parks Outreach Managers will continue to assist with the distribution of information relating to playground improvements to members and local communities in the coming year.


            Members should also note that this year’s cycle of independent inspections have been completed in May 2014. Priority sites for the 2015 -2016 programme will be identified based on quality scoring and recommendations reported to Committee in the coming months.


2          Key Issues

            For the 2014/15 programme the investment of £745k will be jointly funded from the playground budget and the Council’s capital budget.



            Information regarding additional LGR sites

            Local Government Reform will see additional playgrounds transferred from Castlereagh and Lisburn in 2015. These will be inspected by our independent playground inspector and scored in accordance with our standard procedure along with the current list of playgrounds. Refurbishments will be based on scores arising from the independent inspection report. The playgrounds to be transferred are as follows:-


            Lisburn playgrounds:


·         White Rise, Lagmore

·         Twinbrook 

·         Fullerton Park

·         Areema

·         Edenderry

·         Jubilee Park

·         Mount Eagles Park

·         Sally Gardens


            Castlereagh playgrounds 


·         Cregagh play area

·         Roddens Crescent

·         Clonduff Drive

·         Carema Allen

·         Belvoir Drive

·         Tullycarnet Resource centre

·         Tullycarnet Park


            In addition there are a number of playgrounds attached to Community Services which are currently managed by the Development Department.  It is proposed that these are also transferred to be included in the Parks and Leisure Playground Improvement Programme.  If agreed a further report will be brought to Committee outlining the resource implications of this for the overall programme.


3          Resource Implications



            All refurbishment work will be funded through the Playground Refurbishment revenue budget 2014 -15 and from the Council’s capital budget.  The total investment will be £745k.



4          Recommendations


            Members are asked to note the playground sites to be refurbished this financial year and note that a further report will be brought to Committee setting out the refurbishment programme for the next three years.


            Members are also asked to agree in principle to the transfer of Community Service playgrounds into the programme, subject to a report on the resource implications being brought back to Committee.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: