Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Background Information


            The purpose of this report is to advise Members of the timetable and implications of the work scheduled to upgrade the flooring and lighting provision of The Ozone Indoor Tennis Centre. Additional upgrade works have been scheduled for the lighting within the laser quest facility and some minor refurbishments have been planned for the reception area. The planned upgrade to the tennis flooring surface will result in the arena attaining a two star standard under the International Tennis Association (ITA) grading system.


2          Key Issues


            The planned works are scheduled to commence on Monday 13th October 2013 with a completion date of Friday 16th January 2015. The budget allocation is as follows -


Tennis surface upgrading - £70,000

Tennis hall lighting upgrade - £75,000

Laser Quest lighting upgrade - £25,000

Laser Quest exterior wall repairing – financed within existing budgets


Reception area painted and some floor resurfacing – financed within existing budgets.


            It will be possible to maintain a reduced level of customer provision within the facility during the upgrade period however the tennis courts and climbing wall will have to close at this time. The climbing wall forms part of the extended tennis hall and the flooring surface of this area will also be renewed as part of the project. Furthermore, the health and safety considerations pertaining to general customer access, dust, noise and glue based adhesive have resulted in a recommendation to close the climbing wall for the duration of the upgrade.


            The Laser Quest facility, whilst, being upgraded with a new lighting system, will only be subject to minimum duration closures which will be mutually agreed between local management and property and projects colleagues. The works connected with the lighting upgrade are expected to be primarily undertaken during scheduled down time within the Laser Quest facility.  


            The Reception area will be painted and some flooring replaced. A closure of this area is not required. Similarly, the fitness suite and changing areas will operate as normal.


3          Resource Implications




            Income during the equivalent period (13th Oct 2013 – 16th January 2014) was recorded as being:


            Climbing - £15,246

            Tennis courses - £13,174

            Tennis casual - £25,302


            In addition, it is envisaged that approximately 200 Boost members may avail of the option to freeze their memberships during this time. Based upon the present charges of £26 or £13 per month an estimation of a further £11 310 of lost income would need to be noted.


            Total projected lost income of £51,858.  It should also be noted that the newly improved lighting system within the tennis hall is expected to generate approximately £10,000 of efficiency savings on an ongoing annual basis.


            Human Resources


            All affected staff to be briefed accordingly. Due to the reduced service provision some staff will be afforded the option of taking annual leave or temporarily transferring to other council leisure facilities.”


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed to the partial closure of the Indoor Tennis Arena from 13th October till 16th January as outlined within the report.


Supporting documents: