Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.      Background Information


            The Committee is reminded that as part of its Pitches Strategy it was agreed that Musgrave Park would receive investment to provide a 4 room changing pavilion.  In addition, the Committee has been previously authorised:


1.    The inclusion of a reception room within the changing pavilion, on condition that it receives planning approval and the cost is met by St Brigid’s GAC or other external funding source; and

2.    The extension of the existing training pitch up to full championship size, on condition that planning approval is received and the funding is secured external to the Council;


            In the course of ongoing discussions with St Brigid’s GAC the Club has indicated a willingness to invest to enhance the facility through (a) the erection of security fencing which would be intended to minimise unauthorised use of the pitch; and (b) to install floodlighting which would facilitate flexible use of the pitch during the winter months to support the playing of end of season championship games and training and (c) to provide a path around the pitch area.


2.         Key Issues


            The Committee is asked to note the following:


1.    Planning permission has been received, albeit with lighting restrictions, for the agreed works and also the proposed additional works as outlined in this report; although the approval is conditional on the floodlighting not being used between April and October each year;

2.    St Brigid’s currently has a Facilities Management Agreement which has just short of 13 years remaining;

3.    The investment represents a desire by the Club to enhance the facility;

4.    The Club has indicated that it is prepared to make the investment subject to acceptable costs being provided;  

5.    The works will be undertaken as part of the contract for the construction of the changing pavilion and will be delivered to an acceptable standard;

6.    Whilst the facility is subject to a Facilities Management Agreement the asset remains under the ownership of BCC; therefore should the Council agree to permit the investment to go ahead, the Council will assume maintenance responsibilities for the fencing, path and floodlighting.


3.         Resource Implications


            Financial Implications


            The capital cost of the works will be met by St Brigid’s GAC, however, the annual revenue costs plus future replacement costs will incur expenditure by the Council. 


            Human Resource Implications


            There are no additional human resource implications


            Asset and Other Implications


            As indicated in the ‘Background’ the erection of the fencing will help to minimise unauthorised use of the pitch; the path will facilitate movement around the pitches.  The floodlighting will help pre season training and facilitate end of season games.  However, it will be important to ensure that the pitches receive adequate recovery time during the closed season to reflect the high level of use of this facility.  It is therefore anticipated that the use of the pitches over the winter months will be minimal.


5.         Recommendations


            The Committee is asked to agree to the provision of the additional works as outlined on condition that:


1.    The costs of the works are met through sources other than BCC;

2.    Any variation to the existing FMA will require approval by the Parks and Leisure Committee.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.



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