Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


 “1       Relevant Background Information


            The Committee will be aware that the Marrowbone Millennium Park has recently benefited from the construction of a 3G artificial turf pitch.  Members will recall that as part of the terms and conditions of the funding from Sports NI the Council is required to provide the management model for the new pitch with a view to transferring it to the community. 


            To facilitate this process, as previously reported, Council Officers are working with representatives from the Ardoyne Youth Providers Forum (AYPF) to develop a programme of use for the facility and to support the building of capacity within the community to enable it to manage the facility in the future.  Emerging from ongoing discussions with the Group a number of issues have emerged which require Committee approval, the purpose of this report is to present these issues to Committee for decision. 


2          Key Issues


            There are a number of issues to be considered by Committee as detailed below:


            Ball stop netting and anti climb sheeting


            Post completion of the capital works AYPF has requested the following:


a)    An additional ball stop netting to the high level fence to be erected to further minimise the potential for balls to escape out of the facility; the estimated cost of this is in the region of £ 17,000.

b)    Metal sheeting to be erected over the entrance gates which are currently being used to climb into the facility for unauthorised use. The estimated cost of this is in the region of £1,700.


            The costs will be accommodated within the existing maintenance budgets.


            Provision of Dug outs


            The group has requested the Council’s permission to install dug outs on adjacent to the 3G pitch for use during matches.  The cost of this will be met through the Ardoyne Youth Providers Forum – Sports Sub Group. 


            It is proposed that permission be granted providing the dugout is in good condition and properly installed and maintained by the group. 


            Use of active communities' coaches


            The Committee is reminded that there is provision for free use of a facility, providing it does not result in displacement, where the activity is part of the active communities programme.  This provision currently relates to Leisure Centre facilities. 


            It is proposed that this be extended to include the 3G facility at Marrowbone, work is on going to develop an active communities programme for the facility. 


            Proposed launch event


            The facility has been operational since April 2014 with an official photo shoot and press release at that time.  However the Forum has asked for permission to hold a day long opening event at the Park itself. This would provide for a range of family based activities through the Millennium Park including use of the 3G pitch. The intention is that this would be held on 7th September 2014. 


            The cost of the event is estimated to be in the region of £5,000 and the Forum has asked if the Council would agree to meet the cost. 


            It is proposed that permission be given to hold the event on condition that the Forum meets the Council’s requirements under its event management plan in consultation with the Community Parks Manager. 


            It is not proposed that the council accedes to the request to meet the total cost of the event as there is no budget for such events. However as for other sites it is proposed that the Community Parks Outreach Manager for the area works with the group to deliver this event.


3          Resource Implications




      The additional cost is estimated to be approximately £18,700 and will be accommodated within the existing maintenance budget.


            Human Resources


            There are no additional human resource implications at this time. 


5          Recommendations


5.1      The Committee is asked to agree


1.    To the erection of the ball stop netting and metal sheeting providing funding can be secured from within existing budgets;

2.    To the installation of dugouts providing the costs and maintenance are met through the Forum and that the equipment is to a good standard and properly installed;

3.    To extend the active communities scheme to include the 3G pitch at Marrowbone and permit free use where the activity is part of the programme and does not result in displacement;

4.    To hold a launch event in the park on condition that the requirements of the event management plan are met in consultation with the Community Parks Manager, providing funding is secured externally.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: