Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.       Relevant Background Information


            Members may be aware that the Council provides a standalone playground and small kick about area within the Moyard Estate on land leased from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE). 


            The existing location is isolated from the main body of the estate and has been used as a gathering point for local youths who engage in anti social behaviour and at times the facility has been subjected to vandalism with equipment being damaged and fires set. 


            The location is not ideal for a playground, however, this is an area lacking in accessible open space and options are limited. 


            Council Officers have recently been approached by local community workers and elected representatives from the area with a view to relocating the existing playground. The proposed location is on a former school site.  The school has been demolished and is now a vacant site with potential for development.


            The Belfast Education and Library Board (BELB) has indicated a willingness to invest in the development of a mini pitch which would be aligned to and managed through the adjacent Matt Talbot (Vere Foster) Youth Club.  In addition, the Board has indicated a willingness to lease part of the land to the Council with a view to the potential relocation of the playground and casual multi user games area. 


            Council Officers would agree that the new proposed location would provide improved access.  The proximity to the residential housing and to the Youth Club provides improved opportunities to encourage greater use of the asset. 


2.         Key Issues


            There are a number of issues for members to consider:


1.    The existing playground location is isolated and subject to regular anti social behaviour; it has been recently inspected and there is evidence of damage to the wet pour throughout the playground, swings have been removed and the mesh fencing has been badly damaged.

2.    The playground is not included in the current financial years’ refurbishment programme; however, the current condition would anticipate its inclusion in 15/16 with an estimated budget of £150,000.

3.    The proposed new site presents a more favourable location for such a facility and is likely to attract greater use;

4.    At this point in time the cost of providing a replacement facility is not known, no detail has been worked up, and would be subject to further consultation and site investigation;

5.    Should the Council wish to progress this option the project would need to be included on and funded through the Capital Programme and would be subject to capital Programme Process applied within Council;

6.    The existing playground is located on a site which is currently leased from the NIHE and it would be intended that this lease be surrendered, the NIHE has indicated that it would look sympathetically at a request to surrender of the lease.


3.         Resource Implications


            Financial Implications


            The financial implications are unclear at this time, at this time the only source of funding would b e through the Capital Programme;


            Human Resource Implications


            There are no additional human resource implications


4.         Equality Implications


            There are no equality implications.


5.         Recommendations


            The Committee is asked to consider the report and to determine whether it wishes to further explore the possible relocation of the playground on condition that:


1.    There is evidence of support from the wider community regarding the relocation;

2.    Terms and conditions attached to the acquisition of any land from BELB are acceptable;

3.    The scope of the works and potential cost of relocation be clarified; and

4.    There is agreement from the Housing Executive to accept the surrender of the land on which the existing playground is located”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: