Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1     Relevant Background Information


1.1   Following on from the success of the North Belfast Lantern Parade and Magical Evening in 2013 this report is seeking Committee approval for the free use of facilities at the Waterworks Park for this year’s event known as the North Belfast Magical Festival which is due to take place on Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 October 2014.


1.2   T he event is a project of the Ashton Community Trust and is managed by New Lodge Arts, a voluntary arts organisation working across communities in North Belfast for the past 11 years. 


1.3   New Lodge Arts has established an inclusive advisory group that provides advice and guidance on the community outreach and event elements of the programme.  The group consists of representatives from a number of Community organisations in North Belfast.  Including groups from Tigers Bay, Mount Vernon, Skegoneill/Glandore, Rathcoole, Lower Shankill, Cliftonville, Lower Oldpark, Oldpark/Bone, Whitecity, Greencastle and New Lodge.


1.4   The event has grown over the past 5 years.  In 2012 the event attracted over 5000 participants and audience members, including people from across the city and further afield.


1.5   The event has received funding in the past provided by OFMDFM, Irish Government, Energy for Children and Belfast City Council.


2       Key Issues


2.1   This year the event organisers aim to have a two day festival called North Belfast Magical Festival.  This will take place on 29 & 30 October 2014.  On the 29 October the organisers aim to host a range of art workshops and street performers in the Waterworks park from 12noon – 5pm.  On the 30 October the organisers aim to provide more workshops and performances from 12 noon – 4pm with the main event taking place from 6.00pm until 9.30pm. 


2.2   The event will be ticketed again this year, however this year tickets will be sold at a cost of £1 each.  The event was ticketed for the first time in 2013 and proved an effective way to manage large numbers within the park.  It was decided this year to charge for the ticket for several reasons:

      1. Last year there were many people who took tickets and then didn’t attend the event whilst others remained ticketless and unable to attend the event.

      2.The £1 charge will cover the cost of purchasing the wristbands and any remaining monies will be put back in to the event by way of covering the cost of some of the performers. In order to manage audience numbers the organisers will distribute 4000 tickets/wristbands to members of the public.  Details on how these will be distributed are still to be confirmed.


2.3   The event is aimed at families and will consist of:


·        Art workshops and street performances over two days prior to the main event.

·        A lantern parade that makes its  way from Crumlin Road Gaol to the Waterworks Park.

·        A magicial evening event that will include outdoor performances.

·        Stage entertainment.

·        A fireworks display that will close the event.


2.4   The site build for the event will begin on 29 October and deconstruction will be completed on the morning of the 31 October 2014.


2.5   The event organisers have requested that 2 fence panels be temporarily removed from the grass picnic area in order to create better access to the site for the duration of the event.  The organisers have confirmed they will undertake to do the following in order to make the event as safe and successful as possible:-


·        Employ a security firm to safeguard participants and equipment.

·        Employ reputable contractors to ensure a safe and professional event.

·        Put a ticketing system in place.

·        Ensure that a one way system operates within the park for this event.

·        Ensure local residents are informed about the event 7 days prior to the event: ensure that there is no inconvenience or nuisance caused to residents on the day of event.

·        Work with the Parks and Leisure Department to ensure effective management of the park.


2.6   An event management plan will be completed and forwarded to Belfast City Council 14 days in advance with final risk assessments being completed 24hrs before the event begins.


2.7   The event is in line with both the Council’s objectives around economic development and Parks and Leisure departmental objectives in terms of animating the city’s parks and increasing community activity and access to the parks.


         The event organisers have always worked closely with the Council and other external partners.  The management of previous events has been satisfactory and professional.


3       Resource Implications


3.1    Financial


         This request is for free use of the Waterworks Park facilities including:


·        The lower and upper areas of the Park

·        The Sports pitch/area located in the upper area of the park,

·        The Park Wardens offices.


         Financial assistance from existing Parks budgets to carry out the temporary removal of fencing. This is estimated at £1500.00


         For the event this year organisers have received funding from Department of Foreign Affairs for €10,000 and CFNI for £3,000.  Applications are currently being assessed by OFMDFM, Belfast City Council and Hope for Youth. 


3.2   Human Resources


         Human resources will be required to facilitate these requests – all managed within the current resources.


         In the past Parks and Leisure have made park staff available to assist with the event site build and deconstruction. The event organisers have also requested that 4 members of staff familiar with the site are made available to work on the evening of the 30 October 2014 to ensure the safe and smooth running of the event.


3.3   Asset and Other Implications


         In order to build the site safely and in a timely fashion the organisers have requested that certain areas of park be closed to members of the public on 30 October, until such a time as the event is about to open. All closures will be communicated to the public via notices that will be erected several days in advance.  


         The organisers also request the removal of 2 fence panels and 1 post within the picnic area closer to the Fire Station.  This is to allow for a quick evacuation and for equipment to be delivered on site.


4       Equality Implications


4.1   The overall aim of this event, and the associated project elements are to build good relations and trust within communities across North Belfast.


5       Recommendations


5.1   It is recommended that the Committee grant approval for the free use of the Waterworks Park and facilities including the temporary removal of 2 fence panels for the North Belfast Magical Festival on condition that:


·        The event organisers liaise with the Council’s Health and Environmental Services Department and ensure that all health and safety requirements are met to Council’s satisfaction including an event management plan and risk assessments.

·        Complete an appropriate legal agreement and meet all statutory requirements including entertainment licensing.

·        Work closely with BCC Parks staff.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: