Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 11th April, 2013, it had agreed to contribute a sum of £15,000 to enable the provision of decorative artwork within the City Cemetery. That decision had been taken on the understanding that the groups which had proposed to undertake the work would seek to secure additional funding from other bodies and agencies and, should there remain a shortfall in the finance secured from other sources, the Committee would be requested to reconsider the matter. Accordingly, the Committee considered the following update in respect of the project:


“2     Key Issues


         In November 2013 the Council submitted a Stage 1 application to the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Re-Imaging Communities fund (ACNI).  The application was successful and ACNI agreed to contribute £3,400 to overall project costs of £4,170.  Stage 1 of the process was to commission an artist facilitator to carry out community consultation around the siting of a decorative arts piece in the City Cemetery.  The findings of the consultation will be used to inform an ACNI Stage 2 application for up to £50,000 to install community agreed art piece(s) in Belfast City Cemetery.


         To oversee the process, a steering group was established and its members include: Aidan Crean, Cairde Páirc na Bhfál, Bobby Foster, Spectrum Centre, Tom Hartley, noted local historian and former Councillor and Billy Drummond, Greater Shankill Alternatives.  Two officers from ACNI also sit on the steering group and officers from the Parks and Leisure Department act as secretariat.


         The Steering Group commissioned an artist facilitator to undertake initial consultation around the proposed siting of public artwork within the City Cemetery. The consultation took place between May and September with a wide range of individuals and organisations including the relatives of those buried in the cemetery, staff, visitors, local schools, youth groups, history groups, community, political and religious organisations and arts and cultural organisations.


         The consultation included the facilitator conducting interviews, leading group discussions, hold and attending events and through the use of comment cards available in the Cemetery. 


         On the whole, attitudes were positive and the majority of participants who raised questions about the siting of artwork within a cemetery, had specific types of artwork in mind, that they saw as not being fitting, or respectful. The concerns around artwork that would not be in keeping with the cemetery, were mainly focused on the following:


·        Bright, garish colours, or colour/design that is out of keeping with site

·        Murals, painted walls

·        Artwork that isn’t recognisable or identifiable

·        Anything that can be damaged easily

·        Big, shiny, cold steel structures

·        Artwork that is not inclusive of the range of people represented within cemetery

·        Overtly religious or political, excluding of some sections of the community

·        Anything that can be climbed on, or encourage young people to sit around, or climb

·        The Stage 1 consultation report has been finalised by the facilitator and presented to the Steering Group and the Arts Council.  Based on the findings of consultation the Steering Group has agreed a theme of Life & Time for the artist’s brief.  This theme extends a welcome to all the people of Belfast and the world, of all faiths and none, to reflect on what has passed and celebrate what is to come. 



         Whilst the focus of this project to date has been the wall within the City Cemetery the public consultation has found that ‘murals, painted walls’ is not what is considered appropriate for the Cemetery. 


         The Arts Council has also raised concerns that the potential budget available (approx £64k) for this project is not sufficient to undertake a decorative arts project on the wall and that there will be ongoing maintenance issues.


         Based on the feedback received through the consultation process the Steering Group are of the view that whilst dealing with the anti-social behaviour occurring at the wall remains a priority the Arts Council funding should be used to locate a decorative arts piece at a suitable location within the City Cemetery as it will add to the overall development of the site.  


         It is acknowledged that there are constraints on where a decorative arts piece can be located within the Cemetery and it is proposed that relevant officers consider the restrictions and select the most appropriate location. 


         Whilst there is not a requirement for the Council to provide match funding the Arts Council has indicated that our application for Stage 2 funding is looked on more favourable if we do so.  A budget of £15,000 has been committed to this project and approximately £1,000 has been spent to date.  It is proposed therefore that the remaining £14,000 be allocated to the decorative arts piece giving a total budget of up to £64,000.


         It is proposed that alternate solutions are examined for dealing with the anti-social behaviour issues at the wall such as a planting scheme.  It has been proposed the Steering Group that they work with the Council to identify possible funding sources to undertake this work. 


Next steps and timescales

         The next stage of the process is to move to Stage 2 and the potential granting of up to £50,000 to install community agreed art piece(s) in the City Cemetery.  There is a very tight timescale around the process and the deadline for expenditure is 30 June 2015.  The indicative timescale is:



Day & Date

Advert for expression of interest

1.    Tuesday 14th October 2014

Deadline for receipt of Expression of interest

2.    Tuesday 11th November 2014

Shortlisting of artists based on expressions of interest

3.    W/C 10th November 2014

Invitation letters to shortlisted artists to move to Stage 2 (and letters to unsuccessful artists)

4.    Monday 17th November 2014

Deadline for detailed design phase of short listed artists

5.    Friday 12th December 2014

Presentation of detailed design proposals e.g. maquettes to selection panel & artist interviews

6.    W/C 15th December 2014

Anticipated delivery of project (normally 6 months)

7.    By Monday 24th May 2015


         Given the tight timeline it has been necessary to commence the process, although at this point no decisions have been made or commitments given.  It is proposed that the Committee authorise the Director under delegated authority in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee to, based on the recommendation of steering group, appoint the artist.  If Members are inclined to do this, it is proposed that an update report will be brought to Committee early in 2015.


3       Resource Implications



         £15,000 has been allocated to this project and approximately £1,000 has been spent to date.  The remaining budget will be spent in Stage 2 and up to £50,000 will be awarded by ACNI for this stage. 


         Human Resources

         There are no human resource implications at this stage.


Asset and Other Implications

         This project will result in a piece of public art being located within one of our sites.


4       Equality and Good Relations Implications


         The project has been equality proofed and we will ensure that potential artists are aware of the equality and good relations implications that they need to consider.


5       Recommendations


         Members are asked to:


(i)       Note the update provided on the project;

(ii)      Agree that the scope of this project be amended so that the focus is not solely the wall and that the art piece be situated at a suitable location within the City Cemetery and the budget previously allocated for the wall be used for this art piece.

(iii)    Authorise the Director under delegated authority in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee to, based on the recommendation of steering group, appoint the artist; and

(iv)    Agree that officers continue to explore other sources of funding in relation to potential solutions for the anti social behaviour associated with the wall.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: