Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


      “1.0           Relevant Background Information


      The purpose of this report is to let members know about the successful achievement of the Pitch Refurbishment Programme and the proposed work to be carried out 2014/15.


      We have 125 grass sports pitches in the department. During periods of wet weather the quality of the surface of these grass pitches deteriorates leading to pitches being cancelled when the drainage can no longer remove the water from the surface fast enough.


      The purpose of the Pitch Refurbishment Programme was to improve the quality of drainage of our grass pitches and as a result their quality of play. It was also intended to undertake the works in planned and structured manner to avoid the need to close pitches; to maintain quality and to make the most efficient and effective use of resources. 


      A survey of all our grass sports areas including Football, Gaelic, Cricket, Rugby, and Golf was carried out.  From this survey a prioritised improvement programme was produced and drainage work was carried in order within each year’s available budget.


2.0Key Issues


      The Committee is asked to note:


1.     Works which have been completed in 2013/14

2.     A list of works to be undertaken in 2014/15


      It is intended that annual surveys will be conducted to establish the condition and to inform the programme in future years;


      In addition, it is intended to extend the condition survey to include existing artificial turf surfaces with a view to future replacement and ensuring that adequate resources are put in place.  2013 saw the first year of the programme with the following drainage works being carried out:


·        City of Belfast Playing Fields No 2 Cricket area, outfield drained.

·        Clarendon Playing Fields pitch No 1 drained.

·        Grove Playing Fields pitch No 8 and area to the back of pitches 1 and 2 drained.

·        Blanchflower Playing Fields Stadium pitch and pitch number 2 drained.


      This year’s programme has started and the following sites will have drainage improved:


·        Clarendon Playing Fields pitch No 2 drained.

·        Blanchflower Playing Fields the top level is being drained and a new synthetic cricket wicket has been installed on the lower level between Pitches 2 and 3.

·        Alderman Tommy Patton Playing Fields Pitch No 4 is being drained.

·        Orangefield Playing Fields the top half of the playing area is being drained.

·        Victoria Park the area between 6 and 7 Pitch is being drained.

·        Wedderburn Park pitches 3 and 4 are being drained.

·        Suffolk Playing Fields the training area next to the changing rooms is being drained.

·        City of Belfast Playing Fields pitches 1 and 2 in the cricket outfield of the No 1 table are being drained.

·        Lenadoon pitch to be drained.


      Members are asked to note that the work on specific sites will normally be phased to enable some matches to continue to be played.


      This drainage work will improve the quality of the pitches, make them more resilient to wear, and will reduce the number of times they will have to be called off due to wet weather conditions and increase the revenue from the pitches.


      The new synthetic cricket wicket replaces the cricket table at Blanchflower that was no longer fit for purpose. This will allow summer football and cricket to be played on the site at the same time increasing the utilisation of the site and the service provided to the public.


      Members will be aware that the Council has agreed a Pitches Strategy which will see the delivery of 5 new artificial turf pitches and 5 replacement changing pavilions at a number of sites across the city.  The combined efforts of the pitch development plus the drainage programme will result in a much improved service to those who wish to take part in pitch based sporting activities. 


      Discussions are held with the Project Team implementing the pitches strategy to minimise disruption to facilities owing to works.


      Discussions are also held with the Project Team implementing the Multi User Games Area (MUGA) Programme to ensure that projects are aligned, such as  Playing Fields at Clarendon.


3.0Resource Implications




      A budget of £125,000 has been allocated from the non recurring capital fund to carry this work out per annum for a 5 year programme.


      Human Resources


      There will be no additional human resources required.


      Asset and Other Implications


      None at this stage


4.0Equality Implications


      There are no implications at this stage.




      Committee is asked to note the works carried out to date and the proposed priorities for 2014/2015.”


            In response to a Member’s question, the Director confirmed that a second baseline survey had been undertaken and that, together with its implications for future phases of the Pitches Strategy, would be presented to the Committee in due course.


            In response to further Members’ questions in respect of drainage problems which had been reported at pitches within the Ballysillan Playing Fields and the Northlink Playing Fields, the Director indicated that he would update the individual Members in respect of the plans to address the issues raised at those sites.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.



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