Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.Relevant Background Information


      The Committee is reminded that at its meeting on 13 February 2014 it received an information report regarding the Multi User Games Area (MUGA) Programme.  This programme had previously been agreed through Strategic Policy & Resources (SP&R) at its meeting in January 2014. 


      The report highlighted that a MUGA is suitable for a variety of informal sports and that due to their nature the majority are accessible and free to use. 


      The report outlined that a number of refurbishments had been completed under Phase 1A of the programme; and outlined proposals for Phase 1B;  these included Springfield Avenue (New Build); Annadale (New Build); and Clarendon Playing Fields (New Build).  Members are asked to note that Navarra Place, located off the Whitewell Road was subsequently added to the list as a potential new build.


      The report referred to the development of a refurbishment programme comparable to the Playground Improvement Programme; it also referred to the need to develop a policy framework which would form a basis for decision making regarding new build proposals. 


      The purpose of this report is to update the Committee in respect of:


1.     Phase 1B;

2.     The refurbishment programme; and

3.     The development of a policy framework


2.   Key Issues


      Update on Phase 1B


      Development work on Phase 1B is continuing.  The current position in respect of each is as follows:


      Annadale: A planning application has been lodged and work is continuing to regularise the land ownership.  The land ownership matter will need to be resolved prior to work commencing.


      Clarendon Playing Fields: Ground surveys have been commissioned and are underway.  A design team has been appointed and detailed design work will now commence on the project;


      Navarra Place: A survey has been carried out to establish the extent of underground services in place and the implications for development work.  It is intended to facilitate a workshop with local residents to establish a concept plan for the site.  This plan will inform the development of the project.  


      Springfield Avenue: Following representations from community representatives a meeting will be scheduled to discuss the nature of the facility required at this location.  Members are asked to note that there is planning approval in place although there is a restrictive condition in place and further consultation with residents will need to take place regarding this.


      MUGA Refurbishment Programme


      A condition survey of existing MUGAs has been completed and a preliminary list of projects has been presented to the Oversight Board for consideration. A report will be submitted to SP&R for approval and an information report will be brought to the Parks and Leisure Committee to outline the Programme.


      Policy Framework


      This is work in progress in terms of the technical elements around provision and construction.  However at this early stage it is felt that Members should be given an opportunity to direct this work.  At this stage the Committee is asked to consider its views on the following high level parameters of a MUGA: 


1.     A MUGA is a hard-surfaced space set out for ball games such as football, basketball, tennis etc.  The facility is accessible without booking and free to use.


2.     It is intended primarily for informal use as kick-about areas or for other informal recreation, (with the opportunity for some programmed activities) and are not primarily developed for training purposes for local football teams.


3.     It is acknowledged that a MUGA may not meet the needs of the local community in so far as there may be demonstrable demand for 3G surfaces to facilitate match play or training.  It was proposed that where such a case is made consideration for investment should be in line with the Pitches Strategy and the accompanying baseline profile. It was proposed that these requests be subject to Capital Programme process.   


4.     MUGAs are typically managed by Council staff and opened, closed and inspected in a way comparable to playgrounds.


5.     In order to ensure wide community use it is proposed that in future proposals for new builds that the business case should include a programme of activity which would:


·        Promote its use to meet a range of health and well being indicators and encourage use by a wider demographic profile than anecdotally may be the case; and

·        Encourage greater community ownership of and involvement with the investment.


6.     Consideration is given to establishing a minimum standard for a MUGA in terms of size, surface, fencing and lighting.


7.     Consideration is given to establishing a catchment / hinterland area to help establish potential gaps in provision and inform investment decisions.


3.   Resource Implications


      Financial Implications

      This report is for noting and has no financial implications.


      Resource Implications

      There are no additional human resource implications at this time.


4.   Equality Implications

      There are no equality implications


5.   Recommendations

      The Committee is asked:


1.     To note the update in relation to Phase 1B;

2.     To note the current position regarding a draft refurbishment programme; and

3.     Comment on the high level parameters sets out above;

4.     Agree that Officers continue to work towards the development of a policy framework to inform future MUGA development.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: