Agenda item


            The Committee considered the under noted report


“1.Relevant Background Information


      The Committee is asked to note that Council Officers have been made aware of a proposal by Castlereagh Borough Council to construct a bridge which will connect Dundonald Leisure Park and the Greenway.  This is part of a larger development planned for the Leisure Park.  There have been discussions with Council Officers from Castlereagh and these are continuing. 


      Castlereagh has managed to secure funding for this project however it is time bound and the work must be at least underway by the end of March 2015 in order to secure the funding.  A Planning application has been lodged and a procurement exercise has been undertaken. 


      The project remains at risk owing to the time constraints and the outstanding planning consent.  However, the project does impinge on an element of land owned by Belfast City Council.  Essentially the proposed bridge will be suspended above the Council’s land and will require foundations to be installed on Council land. 


      As previously noted discussions are ongoing and the detail needs to be clarified.  However, the implications for the Council are as follows:

·        Council consent is required to carry out ground survey;

·        The area is mostly made up of trees and thick hedging, it is possible that some of this will need to be removed to facilitate ground surveys and subsequent construction (Council officers are working with Castlereagh Council to minimise the impact

·        The area below the bridge will need to be maintained post construction to ensure that it does not interfere with the bridge structure or bridge users and to remove any litter which may be dumped from the bridge;


      Clarification and agreement with Castlereagh has yet to be achieved on a number of issues around the terms of proposed legal agreements associated with the works, future use of the land and the creation of rights over the land. 


      Normally it would be premature to bring this report to Members, however, given the time restrictions it is considered prudent and appropriate to inform members of the proposal and to seek their agreement in principle to work with Castlereagh Borough Council, subject to detailed arrangements to be agreed and approval through Strategic Policy and Resources Committee. 


2.   Resource Implications


      Financial Implications

      This report is for noting and has no financial implications at this stage.


      Resource Implications

      There are no additional human resource implications at this time.


4.   Equality Implications

      There are no equality implications


5.   Recommendations

      The Committee is asked to:

1.     note the report;

2.     agree in principle to authorise officers to enter into further detailed discussions with a view to agreeing terms which would minimise the impact on Belfast City Council land and budgets while allowing Castlereagh’s project to proceed subject to:


·   Approval by SP&R of the agreed terms .

·   The necessary legal agreements being prepared by the Town Solicitor ; and

·   The necessary statutory approvals being in place in relation to the bridge installation and associated works.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


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