Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted Code of Conduct for the Greenway:


Connswater Greenway - Code of Conduct




Cyclists should keep left and pass right at a safe distance and slowly enough that pedestrians can be avoided if they suddenly change direction.


Cyclists must give way to pedestrians at all times. Always cycle with respect for other users and acknowledge those who give way to you.


Cyclists must have a bell to warn others of their approach. Two polite tings are recommended.


Cyclists should not ride at speed and should ride in a manner that is appropriate to the conditions of the path, taking care to slow down near blind spots, corners etc.


Be seen – it is recommended that cyclists wear high visibility clothing which will assist with making their presence known to users with visual and hearing impairments. It is also recommended that British Standard approved lights are used in low visibility conditions.


Off track cycling is not permitted unless on a specific designated cycle track.


Cycle events - are not permitted unless prior approval has been agreed and granted.




Walkers should keep to the left and allow others to pass easily on the right.


Walking and running groups should be aware of the shared space and should not obstruct other users.


Dog Owners


Dogs must be kept under control at all times.


Extended leads should not be allowed to impede other users.


Dog walkers must remove dog excrement and dispose of the waste appropriately i.e. take home or deposit in the nearest litter bin. Failure to do so may result in an £80 fixed penalty notice being issued. Do not throw bags anywhere along the walkway


Dogs should not be allowed to enter any waterways


All Users


Please be polite and considerate to other users. Thank other users who allow you to pass or overtake. Give way to others and allow them to pass safely.


Pedestrians should be given priority on the walkway.


All users should keep to the left and allow others to pass on the right.


All users should be mindful of ease of access for disabled users and avoid blocking the walkway when stopping. Consideration for elderly and disabled users should be shown at all times.


Children must be supervised and kept safe at all times.


Please dispose of litter appropriately i.e. deposited in the nearest litter bin or take it home with you.


Help protect wildlife. Do not leave debris anywhere on the walkway or disturb nesting sites. Do not disturb, damage or interfere with trees, flora and fauna.


All users should adhere to any signage or walkway markings.


Consumption of alcohol is not permitted.


Limitations of use


Motor vehicles/motor cycles are not permitted on the walkway with the exception of mobility scooters for the use of disabled or elderly people and essential maintenance vehicles.


Swimming and entering of waterways is not permitted.


Horse riding is not permitted on the walkway.


Shooting is not permitted.”


            The Committee agreed, subject to further consultation with the local community:


·     to endorse the introduction of the Code of Conduct in support of the existing byelaws; and

·     to authorise the development of future byelaws to oversee Phase 2 of the construction of the Greenway which would be applicable also to any future development at the site.


Supporting documents: