Agenda item

Report to follow.


The Committee considered the following report:


“1.    Relevant Background Information


         The Committee was reminded that, in October 2008,  it had considerd a report related to playground provision at 2 locations in Belfast, Eversleigh Street in East Belfast and Sliabh Dubh estate in West Belfast.   The report sought authority to accept the transfer of land from DSD / Fold Housing Association respectively and to accept the ongoing management and maintenance of these facilities both completion of the works.  In both cases the land was to be transferred at nil cost and the capital cost was to be incurred by the Department for Social Development. 


         In relation to Eversleigh Street the scheme was completed and is now a Council asset.  However, the Sliabh Dubh scheme was not completed.  A Planning Application had been submitted; however the contamination survey was inconclusive and left a number of issues unresolved; as a result the Planning Application was withdrawn and proposed funding from DSD was also withdrawn.  The project has remained under consideration in the interim and a number of meetings with representatives from Sliabh Dubh have taken place; Fold Housing Association and the Council to attempt to move the project forward.


         Fold Housing Association has received a contamination survey which has clarified the issues around ground water movement and gas dispersion In essence, the development of a playground scheme could procure and the contamination could be remediated as part of that development.   

         The Council has now been asked to re-affirm its original position from October 2008 regarding the site.  That position is as follows:


·        BCC agrees to acquire the land at nil cost, subject to reaching agreement with Fold; and subject to the other statutory approvals being in place and external funding being secured for the delivery of  the project;

·        BCC agrees to support the development of the project, including planning consent and project management;

·        BCC agrees to undertake the maintenance and management of the facility post completion, including adding it to its Insurance Schedule of assets;

·        BCC agrees to recommend that the project be added to its capital programme at no cost to the council subject to external funding


2.      Key Issues


         The Committee is asked to note that historically the Council has looked sympathetically at similar requests providing the capital cost can be met by an external source.  Therefore it is proposed that this approach be continued in this instance and the decision from October 2008 be reaffirmed. 


         There are three main issues for the Members to note:


·        There is currently no funding source identified;

·        The land is owned by Fold Housing Association who have indicated that they would transfer the land to the council at nil cost, although that has not  been confirmed in writing;

·        There is no planning approval in place.


         To progress the scheme it is proposed that the previous planning application be resubmitted by BCC together with the revised contamination survey.  In addition it is proposed that:


1.     The land is not transferred until funding has been secured;

2.     planning approval has been obtained; and

3.     written confirmation from Fold HA that they will transfer the land at nil cost and meet the cost of remediation


3.      Resource Implications


         Financial Implications - none

5.      Recommendations


         To re-affirm its position from October 2008 and agree to:


·        acquire the land at nil cost; subject to reaching an appropriate agreement with Fold Housing Association regarding the transfer of the land; the necessary statutory approvals being obtained and external funding secured; and on condition that any remediation is undertaken by Fold HA prior to construction or in the case of the remediation being undertaken as part of the construction works that the cost is met in full by Fold HA;

·        undertake the development of the project, including submission for planning consent;

·        undertake the maintenance and management of the facility post completion, including adding it to its Insurance Schedule of assets;

·        recommend that the project be added to its capital programme at no cost to the council subject to external funding.”


The Committee adopted the recommendations.

Supporting documents: